Girls Night!

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Clary POV

Tessa, Izzy, and I were all sitting in Izzy's room, scrolling through our phones when suddenly, Izzy sprung out of her seat, making Tessa and I jump.

"I have the best idea EVER!" She squealed. Tess and I shared a look and I sighed before asking
"What would that be Iz?" She grinned like the Cheshire Cat and said,
"We should go out! Go clubbing, sing karaoke etc! It'd be super fun! We shouldn't tell the boys though, they'd complain about us going out without them." Tessa shrugged and said "Why Not?" Izzy clapped her hands and raced to her closet to go get dresses for Tess and I to wear. Izzy pulls a emerald green skin-tight dress for me to wear, with a sweetheart neckline, which the dress was surprisingly an appropriate length, with matching green flats of course. For Tess, Izzy grabbed a long flowing deep purple dress, with 5 inch heels to match. Tessa eyed the shoes nervously but Izzy thrusted them into her arms anyway. Finally Izzy pulled a bright red dress out of her closet for herself, I was tight (I mean VERY tight) and was dangerously short; ending mid-thigh. Once we were dressed in our attire, we put on makeup and we're ready to go. Jace, Simon and Will (A/N Yes Will is alive in this, I had to save my Wessa heart!) were all in Jace's room, watching a movie or some shit.

Izzy, Tessa and I creeped out of Izzy's room and down the stairs, as silent as possible and out the door. Once we were outside, Tessa hailed a taxi and we were off to a Karaoke Bar.

The rest of the night was pretty vague. I remember bits and pieces of it though.
We started off with Karaoke, butchering the songs and having no shame in not being able to sing. Then I guess Izzy and I started with one shot, then ended up getting totally wasted. Apparently Tessa had to haul our intoxicated asses back to the Institute, without waking up Jace or Simon. She placed us in our rooms and said goodnight. She texted me the next morning saying that when she was bringing us home, I had told her that 'We should go get some more whiskey' then when Tessa said no, Izzy complained,'Tessa! You're such a party pooper!'

*Flashback to Last Night*

Tessa POV

Izzy and Clary went off to the bar to get some shots for us, they came back with 8 shots each. I, being the smart one, didn't drink any, and stayed sober. Izzy and Clary however, they got absolutely wasted. They drank all of their shots and split my shots between them, giving them 12 shots each. After they were finished, they went off to get some vodka and came back with the whole bottle. After about another hour, I finally looked at the clock, discovering it was 1:00 am.

"C'mon girls, let's get you back to the Institute." I directed both of them to the door. Clary looked at me and put a pouty face on.
"Can Izzy I get a bottle of whiskey? Please Tessa!?" I glared at her and shook my head no. Clary pouted more and Izzy butted in, "You're such a party pooper!" I rolled my eyes and used my magic to force them out the door and onto the sidewalk. They reluctantly walked side by side, me keeping a tight hold on where they were.
"Iz? Do you think Jace is a unicorn?" Clary asked out of the blue.
"Ohmigod! He totally is!" Izzy exclaimed, setting them both into fits of giggles. I rolled my eyes and we walked back to the Institute, the girls having a conversation on weather or not they thought Simon could turn into a bat.

I ushered them inside and brought them to their respected rooms and made sure they both got into bed. Once they did I said goodnight and left to my guest room, where I found my Will, sleeping peacefully. I crawled in beside him and fell asleep.

Clary POV

Apparently Izzy now wants to make this a holiday, so every month, Tessa, Izzy and I all go out clubbing, and Jace, Simon and Will still have no idea what we do every month.

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