You can see me?

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Clary POV.

I stood in the art gallery beside one of my pieces. I looked around at everyone who had come to see my paintings, when I spotted him. Again. Almost every day, I would see him, standing there and watching me. He'd stay for about an hour before leaving. Not saying a word. Of course, I knew exactly who it was.

My golden angel.

About two and a half months ago, the angels came back to me through my mother and granted me my angel blood back. I'm not entirely sure why, but my mom had said that they didn't know how much pain he would be in until after they took it away. They felt bad, I guess. I remember everything. They gave my memories back. And man, my love for Jace was as strong as ever. It took a lot of self restraint to keep from going right up to him and hugging him. I just needed to let him move on. But he never did. Every day, he would check up on me. Never once did he fail to do so.

This time, I looked him in the eye. Staring back at him, letting him know that I knew he was standing there. I could tell he was glamored, by the look of shock. He looked behind him, and when I walked over, I could see pain in his eyes. He backed up a sec.

"Sorry," I said gently, "I didn't mean to spook you." I smiled a little. Breathlessly, he sputtered out,
"You can see me?" I acted confused.
"Of course I can see you." I could see him brighten up and realize what happened before he backed up more and walked away from me. This was not the reaction I wanted. I followed him out of the gallery and into the alleyway beside the building.

"Hey!" I yelled at him. Please remember.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I tried to be confused, but I'm not sure if I fooled him. Jace turned to me.
"Don't I know you? From somewhere?" I questioned. I could see him trying to regain himself. His jaw tightened.
"No," he shook his head, "I don't think so." I cut him off.
"No, I do. I definitely do. I..." I trailed off before acting like I just realized something.
"You're Jace, right?" At that moment, his walls came crashing down, and I could see tears form in his eyes.
"Yeah, uh, yeah I'm Jace." I smiled as he did.
"I'm- I'm Clary." He smiled bigger. I acted to just notice the tunes on his neck.
"What are those tattoos on your neck?" I asked, touching his collarbone. I could feel his heartbeat through his neck. I looked back up at him. He slowly smiled at me, making me smile back.
"Well, don't I have a story to tell you, Clary." I slightly smirked.
"Well, so do I. I've remembered you for two and a half months now.. I just wanted to let you have a chance to move on... but you never did. So I decided to wait until tonight to "remember you". I probably should've done it sooner, I'm so sor-" I got cut off by Jace taking me into his arms and kissing me. I melted in his grasp, kissing back instantly. It was short, sweet, and oh so missed. He pulled away, smiling.
"I'm so happy to hear that. I missed you so much." I smiled softly.
"I missed you too." He pulled me into another kiss before grabbing my hand and bringing me to the New York Institute.

What a way to remember.

Thank you so much for the suggestion @alice134cullen !!!!! I cried writing this 😂

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