Movie Night

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A/N I was inspired by the photo in the media! Except I added Simon! Enjoy!

Clary POV

"Claaaaaary!" Jace wined. I swear to the angel, that boy will kill me.

"What Jace?" I asked as if he was a toddler.
"Pleeeeeeeeese?" He begged.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said innocently while I sipped my coffee.
"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about." Jace told me, getting up from his spot on the couch.
"No Jace. I'm not watching Cabin Fever!" I said firmly. (A/N Mathew Daddario is in this movie! 😃)
"Why?" Jace pouted.
"You know I'm terrified of anything scary! Remember last Halloween?"
"But Clary!" Jace stuck out his bottom lip.
"Don't trip on that lip." I motioned to his giant stuck out lip. Jace just chuckled and put on his irresistible puppy dog eyes. I sighed and smiled slightly.
"Fine! But only because you're so adorable." I cooed. Jace grinned widely and scooped me up into a bear hug. I pecked his cheek when he pulled away.

"I'm going to get the rest of our friends for this movie night too!" He told me. I nodded and headed up to our room to grab a bunch of blankets and pillows. I walked back down to the library. I laid out the blankets on the couches and floor, and the pillows the same way.

Once I was finished, Izzy's came into the library, trailed by Magnus, Alec, Simon, and Jace. Magnus and Alec sat on the farthest couch from the Tv, Simon and Izzy laid down together on the other couch, so Jace and I took the floor. Magnus sat down first, then Alec snuggled into him. Simon laid down on the couch and Izzy snuggled into his chest, with her feet hanging over the edge, so Magnus could paint her nails. Jace sat with his back against the couch Simon and Izzy were on and I snuggled in between his legs with my back against his chest. He tucked his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and turned on the Tv, to start the movie. During the movie, I screamed multiple times and clung onto Jace. Every time there was a jump scare, I screamed and jumped every time, which made Jace chuckle. Sometimes Jace would play with my hair, which felt amazing! He ran his fingers through it, twirled it around his fingers, and even braided it. He would braid it, leave it for a couple minutes, then pull it out and play with it more. Jace always prefers my hair down, I don't know why, he just does.

Just as the movie was ending, my eyes were slipping shut. I was vaguely aware  of me being lifted off the floor and brought to Jace and I's room. I was set on the bed. I felt Jace press a kiss to my forehead and him climb in beside me.

"I love you, Clare." He said and that was the last thing I heard before my eyelids slipped shut.

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