Or you'll what?

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Jace POV.
Clary and I were having a nice picnic at the park, like we usually did. Like usual, Clary was being pesky and bugging me while I tried to eat my sandwich. She'd reach in the pond and splash me with water droplets. Every time, I'd laugh and tell her to stop.

"Clary! Stop! Or I'll..." I trailed off while chuckling. She scrunched up her nose.
"Or you'll what?" She teased me. I smirked.
"Or I'll marry you." I say as I get up and run off, teasing her more than she did to me. I don't think she quite could comprehend what I said, until a few minutes later, when she chased me down.

This'll be a great story to tell our kids.

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm running out of ideas for this book... I'd love your help though! Let me know if your suggestions for this one shot book!
Thanks y'all! I love you guys!

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