Christmas Compitition

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Jace POV

Simon and I were arguing in my room about what to get Clary for Christmas. Thankfully, Izzy forced Clary to go Christmas shopping, much to Clary's protest. So that meant, we could be as loud as we wanted.

"I'm Clary's best friend! I know her better than everyone here because I've been best friends with her for 18 years!" Simon shouted at me.

"I'm Clary's boyfriend! I know her better than you ever would!" I retorted.

"I've know her for 18 years and you've been dating for what, a year?!"

"I have an excellent idea!" I screamed.
"We should have a competition on who can buy Clary the better present! Whoever's present she likes better, is the winner, and therefore knows her better!" I explained. Simon's eyes lit up.

"I'm in!" He smirked and ran out of the room and down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk. I knew exactly what to get my beautiful girlfriend.

Fast Forward to Christmas Day

Clary POV

I snapped awake to realize, it was Christmas Morning. I looked over at my sleeping Boyfriend. I smirked and beat him with a pillow to wake him up.

"Chrly." He said, muffled by his pillow.
"Shtap" I just giggled and continued. I heard Jace groan and he pulled me into him. I yelped in delight and still beat him with the pillow.

"Clary." Jace said in a dangerously calm voice.

"Jace." I mocked. I saw him smirk slightly and my eyes widened as I realized what he was going to do. Jace reached his hands up to my sides and ran them up and down, causing me to erupt into giggles.

"J-Jace! S-Stop!" I pleaded. Jace just laughed and continued. Finally, Jace decided to stop, because I couldn't breathe. As soon as I got some air into my lungs, Jace kissed me. I immediately kissed back. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I denied it and smiled when I heard him groan against my lips in frustration. Jace nipped at my lip, causing me to gasp, giving his access into my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth gently, as it did every time we kissed. Things were just getting heated when Jace and I heard a voice from the doorway.

"Every single time! It's either you two or Simon and Izzy! By the angel! My poor eyes!" Jace and I looked up to see Alec standing in the doorway, covering his eyes.

"Mom told me to get you two up for Christmas..." Alec trailed off slowly. I giggled as Jace groaned and we got up together. Alec brought us downstairs.

Everyone was already sitting on the couches and were ready to go. Max was sitting by the fireplace, warming his hands.

Jem and Tessa were there too, snuggled together on an armchair. Mayrse was sitting on the far end of the couch, with Simon and Izzy occupying the other side. Magnus and Alec were on the other couch, laying down together. Jace and I took the love-seat.

We started with Magnus's presents first. I got a glittery pink crop top. Jace got a glittery gear belt. Izzy got a pair of glittery stilettos. Simon got a bedazzled Star Wars T-shirt. Max got a pair of glittery glasses. Mayrse got a glittery cutting board. And finally Alec got a glittery shirt that read-

Property of Magnus Bane.

Alec loved it.

We all loved our gifts from him. Next was Jem and Tessa.They got me really nice paint brushes. Jace got piano sheet music. Magnus got a glittery wine glass. And finally all four of the Lightwoods got one shared present, a new kitten named Chapel, because Jem never returned Church. It was a Persian just like Church. He was immortal as well. We all loved our gifts and said our thank you's. Sadly Jem and Tessa had to leave, but they had fun and they stepped through a Portal, back to London.

Next was Izzy. She got Jace and Alec new v-neck t-shirts. She got Magnus a glittery sequin jacket. She got Mayrse a new knife set (which could be used to keep Jace and Alec out of the kitchen- as Izzy put it). Max got new manga that he's been looking for for weeks. And finally I got Lingerie from Victoria's Secret. I blushed deep red. Izzy just smirked. Jace's eyes turned dark when he looked at what I got. I just blushed deeper.

"That'll look really nice on you later, love." He whispered in my ear, I could feel how hot my face was.

Next was my turn. I got Mayrse some cookies that I'd just made the night before. For Magnus, I got him a glittery phone case. Simon loved the new comic making set I got him. I got Alec a new stele. Izzy was pretty simple, a new sexy dress that was way too tight and showed way too much skin. Max got a painting of the Star Wars logo for his room. Finally was Jace. I got him I big painting of him playing piano, with me on his lap, his hands on mine, guiding them over the keys. Izzy snapped a quick photo when Jace and I weren't paying attention, so I painted it for him.

"Clary." Jace said, astonished. "This is beautiful. Wow!" I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Now it was Simons turn. He got Magnus a glittery ukulele, Alec and nice sweater, Mayrse a beautiful set of sunglasses, Jace a new gear jacket, Max  got some more new manga,and Izzy got a diamond necklace, in the shape of a heart. Simon saved me for last. He got me all of the Harry Potter movies and Books. I squealed in delight and gave him and giant bear hug. He knows I've been wanting the series. I felt some movement behind my back, but I just ignored it. Best.Christmas.Ever!

Jace POV

That bastard gave me the finger when he was hugging Clary! I snorted and rolled my eyes. Clary would definitely prefer my gift over his lousy one. And eventually, It was my turn. I got Alec a new bow and arrows, Magnus got glittery black eyeliner, Izzy got a full makeup set, Mayrse got a new pots and pan set, Max got even more manga, Ratface got a new stuffed pig, because he lost his (Clary tells me everything), and last but certainly not least, was my spunky redhead. I got up from my spot on the love seat, and went out to the back of the Institute go get Clary's gift.

When I got back, I handed Clary a giant box and told her to open it.

"Oh my god!" She whispered as she pulled out an Alaskan Husky Puppy.
"He's so adorable! What's his name?" Clary asked as the puppy sighted into her arms.

"That is up to you." I told her
"Peanut!" She said almost immediately. I smiled

"Peanut it is!" I announced. Clary handed the puppy to Izzy and jumped into my arms.

"Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! You are the best boyfriend ever! This is the best gift someone could ever give me!" I knew Simon heard, because I saw him glaring daggers at me. I just smirked. Clary leaned into my ear and whispered,

"Tonight would be a great time to try out that lingerie..." She trailed off, not leaving much to the imagination. The rest is our little secret...

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