The 100

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Jace POV

I was sitting on the couch in the library, when I heard an ear splitting scream come from my room. Of course, I knew who the scream was, and I was going to check out what made my girlfriend scream that loud. As I got closer to the room, I could hear someone sobbing really loud, this just made me pick up my pace. I slowly opened the door and peered in. There sitting on the bed, tissues scattered everywhere, laptop open, was Clary. Her fire-red hair was tousled and her mascara was running down her face, along with her tears.

"What's wrong, love?" I questioned, coming fully into the room.
"B-Bellamy l-left Clarke b-behind, a-and he feels really bad about it. H-He's going to b-be separated from her f-for 5 years. I-I just want my B-Bellarke ship to happen." She sputtered, looking up at me with a tear stained face.
"Hey, they'll reunite. Even after 5 years, they will still love each other. That gap of time may even strengthen their relationship." I soothed her, pulling her into my lap and rubbing her back gently.
"Remember how we thought we were siblings? That strengthened our relationship a bunch. Don't you worry, your ship will sail, just give it time." I reassured her.
"Now my little fangirl. Please brighten up your mood, because I would like to watch this show that you seem obsessed over." I heard Clary gasp.
"You really want to watch The 100 with me?" She sounded like she couldn't believe this was happening.
"Yes. Yes I do," I said as I pulled her in for a kiss, before setting down beside her, not expecting anything from the show, which turned out to be really good.


Does anyone watch the The 100? If so, what is your favourite season? I really loved season 4 and I'm really excited for season 5!

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