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Anxiety and Depression warning! May trigger some people! Thanks in Advance! Don't hate me please! 😭
Clary POV

My tears steamed silently down my red cheeks, blurring my vision. Hateful words flew through my mind, destroying me from the inside out- eating me alive. I've had depression for a while now, so, I've hid. Hid away in my own little world, blocking everyone out- even Jace. He's been concerned about me, asking me questions, burdening himself with my problems- so I haven't talked.
I've been silent for the last month, not talking to Jace, Magnus, Alec, Izzy, or even Simon- just silence. I've cut my skin, letting the blood rush out of the broken skin, flowing onto my arms and legs. My skin is adorned with white scars, lines, making me, Clary. I rushed into the bathroom, grabbing my razor off of the counter and quickly bolting out of the Institute, onto the roof. I heard someone running after me, and by the way they ran, I knew exactly who it was- Jace. I heard him call my name, trying to get me to listen, but I just kept running. I ran onto the roof and jumped onto the ledge, overlooking the illuminated city below us.
"Clary," I heard. "Don't do this." I turned around, facing the man I love, watching his pained expression turn to one of sheer terror. I tilted my head down at the concrete surface, twenty feet below me. The impact would kill instantly.
"Clare... I love you, Izzy Loves you, Simon loves you, everyone loves you... Don't do this.. Stop shutting us out... let us help you." Jace's voice was quivering, I could hear the pain in his voice, it made me turn to meet his golden gaze with my own. He had a single tear running down his face, breaking me slowly.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered, so softly, I thought Jace couldn't hear it.
"Love, you have nothing to apologize for..."
"Yes I do. I'm mentally unstable, I'm broken. My ghosts haunt me, they shouldn't haunt you too. You shouldn't love me. I'm unlovable, I'm too broken to be put back together. I've been holding on with what feels like a thin piece of tape. I've put on a facade, a mask, to hide my problems. Just let me die Jace." Jace's golden eyes held so much concern and sadness, that I was afraid they would burst. I plucked the razor out of my pocket and dragged it harshly across my left forearm, spelling out two words.

I M  S O R R Y.

I looked back up at Jace. He watched me, almost as if he thought this was just a horrid nightmare.
"I love you," I whispered.
"Don't even think about it." Jace demanded, his voice cracking in the middle, his tears streaming out of his eyes.
"Say it. I need to hear it from you one last time." I ordered.
"I-I love you," Jace sniffed. I turned to the illuminated city, and I jumped. I heard Jace's screams as I plunged to the hard ground beneath me. Time seemed to slow down. I saw Jace lean over the edge, watching me fall, until he did something I thought he would never do.

He jumped.

He came free-falling toward me, like a bullet. He scooped me in his arms for kissed me, short and quick, showing me he loved me. He held me, until, I felt the impact on the concrete, then, black.

Two bodies were found on the front steps of the Institute that morning. A blonde man, with a redhead curled up in his arms. Because even in death, Clary and Jace's Love was unbreakable.

Clace One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now