What the Hell Jace?!

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Inspired by the photo in the media! 😊

Clary POV

I was walking down the hallways of the Institute, just minding my own business, when my arm was nearly yanked out of its socket, while being pulled into my room. I scowled at the person who did it.

Of fucking course. He had a solemn look on his face.
"Jace, What is it?" I asked him. He looked down at me.
"We need to talk." Those four words. Those four words I've dreaded hearing ever since we got together.
"Yeah sure." I agreed, sitting down on the bed.
"Okay, I don't know how to say this but...." He trailed off, not making eye contact.
"Tell me, Jace."
"I'm breaking up with you." I let out an audible gasp, looking at him. I could feel tears pushing themselves out of my eyes.
"What... Why?" I whispered, tears now streaming down my face.
"Clary, I found someone better. She's perfect, and I hope to marry her." My heart snapped into tiny pieces. I reached over to the tissue box to pull out a tissue to wipe my eyes. I reached in, not looking, but felt something inside of it. Confused, I opened my eyes and pulled the thing out. It was a little, blue velvet box. I popped it open with my thumb and let out a breath. Inside was a golden ring, with birds decorating the sides, flying towards the giant diamond in the middle. I looked up at a smirking Jace and uttered a quiet.
"Yes." I jumped into his arms for a hug, before then pulling back, remembering what he'd just done. I slapped him, hard enough to hurt, but not my hardest I've ever slapped.

"What the hell, Jace?!" I yelled.
"I was sure you're going to leave me!" He laughed. That bastard had the nerve to laugh.
"That was the point, Love." He kissed the top of my head.
"Who was the girl you were talking about?" I asked, because to be honest, I was curious.
"She was you, Clare." I could hear the love in his voice, so I knew it was true. I leaned up and gave him a long, lingering kiss. I loved this boy. And this boy would be the death of me.

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