Truth or Dare

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Clary POV

It was the 24th of December, and everyone was snowed in the Institute. Since there was nothing to do, and our parents were all stuck in Idris, we decided to play a friendly game of Truth or Dare. The rules are simple, you ask truth or dare, if the person refuses to answer or do the dare, they must take off a piece of clothing, socks, hats, shoes and accessories don't count. And when you can't take off anything else, you must answer every question or do every dare. We sat in a circle, sitting on our significant others lap, me on Jace, Izzy on Simon and Magnus on Alec. Once we all got our alcoholic drinks, the games began. I held my whiskey in my hand as Izzy asked the first question.

"Magnus," She started. "Truth or Dare?" Magnus smirked.
"Dare, dear Isabelle." Now it was Izzy's turn to smirk.
"I dare you to flush all of your glitter down the toilet." Magnus gasped.
"There is no way in Edom!" He declared. Magnus took the hem of his shirt in his hands and pulled it off his body, leaving him shirtless.

"Goldie, truth or dare?" Magnus said as he turned to Jace.
"Is that even a question, sparkles? Dare!"
"I dare you to kiss a duck on the head!" Jace's eyes widened. He began to take off his leather jacket, when Magnus said.

"Is the Great Jace afraid of a little ducky?" Jace glared at him.
"Then let's get on with the dare!" Magnus exclaimed. He snapped his fingers and then he held a little yellow duckling in his hands. Jace gently pushed me off his lap so he could go over to Magnus and the duck. I watched intently as he slowly bent down towards the duckling. He quickly pecked it in the head and jumped back, like it was going to explode. Everyone burst out in laughter as the duck quacked and Jace jumped four feet in the air. Jace sat back down on the floor and I crawled my way back onto his lap. He smiled and pulled me closer, kissing my head before he spoke.

"Rat Boy, truth or Dare?"
"Truth." Simon spoke confidently.
"Wimp. Anyway, Who do you think is hotter, Clary or Izzy?" Jace asked him. Simon blushed profusely and started to pull off his plaid flannel that he was wearing over his t-shirt. Just as he was going to take it off, he quickly changed his mind and shrugged it back onto his shoulders. He quickly mumbled something inaudible and blushed more.

"What was that Si?" I gently asked. Simon took a deep breath and said.
"Izzy." I placed my hand over my heart in mock hurt.

"Simon?!" I shouted. Jace just chuckled.

"That's good, I would've killed him if he said you." Jace told me. Everyone broke down in laughter, tears streaming down our faces. Simon glared at all of us. Eventually our laughed subsided and we quieted down. I grabbed Jace's bottle of beer from him and took a quick swig from it. Jace chuckled slightly. Once I had finished, Simon asked me,

"Clary. Truth or Dare?" I took a
Minute to think about my decision.

"Dare, Simon." I said. Simon grinned creepily before he said.

"I dare you to let us flip through your sketch book." My eyes widened the size of saucers and I pulled my top off, leaving me in a lacy black bra. I turned in Jace's lap so my back was to everyone else's. I felt Jace set his head on my shoulder and smirk. I just rolled my eyes and kissed his neck softly. I yawned slightly, catching Jace's attention. He smiled slowly.

"Everyone, Clary and I are getting tired, we're heading to bed." He announced. I heard everyone yell goodnight's in our direction, but I was half paying attention, as my eyes were slipping shut. I felt Jace's arms wrap themselves around me, and my body left the floor. He carried me to our room and laid me down our our king bed. He slipped me under the covers and pulled himself under too, warming me instantly. Jace pulled me into his arms and I snuggled closer. He kissed the top of my head and whispered,

"Goodnight Angel."

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