2 Random Clace Scenes

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Jace was rushing around the grocery store, trying to locate the mayonnaise. Clary, being 5 months pregnant, was at home in bed, waiting for Jace to return with her mayo. She'd recently taken to a craving- dipping puffy Cheetos in mayo- in her eyes, delicious. However, in Jace's eyes- Disgusting. Although 25 year old Clary was moody and cranky, Jace wanted to be the best husband and get her whatever she needed. He galloped around the store, grabbing mangoes on the way and paying for his things before heading home. Once there, he brought the bag up to Clary in their bed.
"Did you remember the mayo?" She asked. Jace was about to answer when he realized he did forget to get mayo, and got 4 bags of mangoes instead. He hung his head in defeat.
"No.." he mumbled as he trudged back out the door.
"Wow! It's like you have pregnancy brain or something!" She called after his leaving form, chuckling to herself, before once again waiting for her blonde soulmate to return. Hopefully with her mayo.

Clary was peacefully sketching in her sketchbook on a piece that she'd been working on for a while. She was peaceful, in her own little world, charcoal between her fingers. Well she was until she looked up and saw literally he biggest spider she though she'd ever seen.
"JACE!!!" She screamed, scooting across the floor. She saw Jace kick down the door, seraph blade in hand, scanning the room.
"What?! What is it?" He asked when he didn't find anything.
"Sp-Spider!" She stuttered scooting further into the corner, breathing heavily. Jace chuckled.
"Seriously, you fight demons for a living, and you're afraid of a spider?" He asked as he caught the spider and threw it out of the window.
"That's coming you Mister 'I'm so tough and badass, but I'm deadly afraid of harmless little yellow ducks'." Jace glared at her.
"Ducks aren't harmless. Don't come crying to me when a duck eats you." Jace warmed as he backed out of the room. Clary laughed and resumed her sketch, not being disturbed by a spider this time.

Sorry for not being active lately. My mom took away my phone. Hopefully you like it! Make some suggestions of oneshots in the comments for me to do!


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