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Hi. I'm Clarissa Adele Fairchild. But everyone calls me Clary.

I live in a world where everyone's heart beats a different beat. It is very faint, almost inaudible. But when you turn 21, it gets slightly louder, loud enough for you to hear it. It's Morse code. And if you write it out, it spells out your soulmate's name. My heart beats four beats.

My 21st birthday is tomorrow, and I'm going to my favourite coffee shop on the corner to decipher my heartbeat.

/the next day\
I walked into the coffee shop, notebook in hand, pencil behind ear. I waved to the barista behind the counter and sat down in the corner table- where I sit everyday. I pulled out the chair and sat down, setting my notebook and pencil down in front of me. I could hear the faint beating of my heart pounding in my ears. It felt strange to finally hear it after years of not hearing it or even feeling it, it's suddenly just, there. I picked up my pencil and opened the notebook to a fresh page- one that wasn't filled with sketches, and listened deeply to the sound of my heart beating.


The first letter was there. His name started with a J. The second one was now there.


J A. The third one was quick to follow.


Jac, Jack? Maybe. The final one was suddenly in my ears and my hand wrote it down.


Jace. My soulmates name is Jace. An odd name, not very common. Now begins my search to find this 'Jace'.

/the next week\

I've been searching social media, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram. Everywhere to find Jace, but it's like he doesn't exist. I walked into the same coffee shop on the corner and turned to go sit at the same table, but there was someone already sitting there. He had golden curls hiding his face, yet I could see golden eyes under the hair, looking at his alight phone. I strutted over and pounded my fist on the table. He looked up without even flinching.

"Who are you and what are you doing sitting at my table?" I demanded, ignoring the catch in my breath when he looked me in the eye.

"Jace Herondale, and I'm sitting here, so do you mind?" My heart pounded in the same four beats as usual. Jace. My soulmate. Was sitting right in front of me.

"Well, I'm Clary Fairchild." I told him. His eyes widened.
"Clary, short for Clarissa?" He prodded. I glared at him and nodded.
"Well you must sit down because as my soulmate, you'll be spending a lot of time with me." I smiled and sat down across from him.

I got to know Jace really well. We started dating after that. 3 years later, he proposed and I, of course, said yes. We got married the next year. I found out I was pregnant a month after our honeymoon. Nine months later, we welcomed Tessa Herondale into our family.

Slowly but surely, our family grew, including William Herondale, James Herondale (Jem for short) and a dog, named Fal (Short for Falcon).

I sometimes look back on the time when I first met Jace, being pissed at him for stealing my table, then falling in love as I realized he was my soulmate.

Thank You heartbeat.

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