You can see me? Pt 2

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Clary POV.

The Institute was just as I remembered. Except, apparently Izzy was head of the Institute. I held Jace's hand as we headed up to the doors. He let go and faced me.
"They don't know that you're, well, you. Just, try to wait to show them who I'm talking about until you think the time is right. Okay?" I nodded, giving him a kiss on the cheek, watching his cheeks redden. I scrunched up my nose and giggled.

Jace went into the Institute first, I followed a little behind him, keeping my head down so no one could recognize me. I heard him go to see Alec, and I heard the slapping of leather, so I assumed they hugged. I could hear Izzy's voice, Simon, Magnus, and I could even hear Luke. I hid around the corner, unseen to anyone. I listened in.

"Let me guess, you went to go spy on her again, right?" Simon said, I could just picture him crossing his arms. I heard Jace sigh.
"Yeah, but, I needed to see her again. It was the right choice though."
"What do you mean?" I heard Izzy asked, her heels clicking on the tile floor as she shifted her weight.
"Well... let me show you." Jace prodded, making me take a deep breath and walk into the room. I stood a ways away, waiting to see what they would do. Surprisingly, Alec was the first to run over and hug me. Closely followed by everyone else. I heard mutters of 'I can't believe it's you' or 'I knew you'd remember'. I felt the warm tears drop down my cheeks. I was finally home.

When everyone finally pulled away (and I could breathe), I explained what I told Jace. When I finished, I got another hug from Simon.
"I'm glad you're back, Fray." He whispered in my ear so only I could hear. I smiled.
"So am I, Lewis." He pulled away and I felt an arm snake around my waist and a face get buried in my neck, his stubble tickling my neck. I leaned back and just took in his scent, something I hadn't been able to do in a while. I could hear some whistles coming from none other than Magnus.
"Biscuit, I missed you and all... but please get a room. We don't need to watch you two catch up on three months of missed contact." I laughed and Jace just shook his head. I said my goodbyes, and Jace bright me to his room. It looked the same, except there were my drawings all over the walls. And what caught my eye the most was the letter that I wrote to Jace before I left. It was on his bedside table, laying open. Jace saw me look at it.
"I read it every night before I slept. I couldn't stand the thought of you leaving, and for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of the letter. I needed to hold onto the last thing of you I had." I felt a tear make is way down my face.
"You'll never have to read it again... I'm not going anywhere." I said as I hugged him close to me. I could feel him silently crying on my shoulder, making me hold him closer and tighter. Jace picked me up and lay me down on the bed. He kissed me gently.
"I just need to hold you, one night." His sweetness made me smile.
"Of course." He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. It was so comforting to be back in his arms. And this time, I wasn't letting him go. Not ever.

(A year later)

Clary POV.
Izzy and I just became Parabatai. It's an odd sensation, but I finally understand what Jace meant by him saying "you can feel their feelings". I could tell that Izzy was overjoyed with our newly acquired runes. It was an amazing feeling. This'll be something o get used to for sure.

(2 more years later)

Jace brought me up on the roof of the Institute for a picnic. It was super sweet and very unexpected. Near midnight, he tapped my shoulder. As I turned to him, I saw Jace on one knee, holding open a small velvet box.
"Clarissa Fairchild, Morgenstern, Fray. I love you so freaking much. Three years ago, I came to watch you at your old art gallery. Like I did every night. But, on that specific night, you looked me in the eye. I felt a pang in my chest when I realized that you knew I was there. When I kissed you in that ally, it as like the first time we kissed; sweet, short and passionate. That's how all of our kisses feel to me. And I want that, forever. I can't lose you, not again. So Clary, my love. Will you marry me?" I was crying at this point. I couldn't get the words out, so I just nodded and threw myself on Jace, crying into his shoulder.
"I love you so much, Jace." I whispered. When I pulled back from hugging him, he kissed me.
"I love me too, Clary." I rolled my eyes. This is what I was stuck with forever... and I couldn't be happier.

(3 more years)

Clary POV.
Life is good. I have two beautiful children, Jonathon and Augustine, a beautiful marriage to my soulmate, and a family who loves me. Izzy and Simon are married, so are Luke and Mayrse. Magnus and Alec have two adopted children as well, Max and Rafael.

I never thought life could be so wonderful.

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