The Wedding Gift

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A/N This is sorta a half Clace half Malec one shot, so enjoy! :)


Clary POV

"Alec and Magnus' wedding is in four days and I have no idea what to get them for a wedding gift!!" I shouted at Jace. I didn't mean to yell at him, it's just that all this stress about the Malec wedding was really getting to me. Jace got up from where he was sitting on our bed, while I paced the room. He walked up to me and put his hands on my waist, stopping me where I stood. He kissed me gently and said,

"You'll figure it out, don't worry about it so much." I sighed and smiled up at him.

"You're right, I shouldn't stress over it his much. Besides what did you get them?" I asked.

"I got Magnus a glittery teddy bear to replace his old one that he lost, and I got Alec a new bow with new runed arrows to match." Something clicked in my mind as Jace said 'runed'.

"That's it." I muttered to myself. Jace furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What's it?" He gently pressed.
"I know what I'm going to get them now!" I exclaimed as I pushed Jace towards the door.

"You can't know what it is until they know!" I told him." So out! Now!" I demanded. As soon as Jace was out the door, I ran over to my drawing table and began sketching their gift.

Four Days later, After the Wedding

I fiddled nervously with the envelope in my hands. Malec were opening their gifts and I was up next. They both loved the gifts from Jace, and they adored the first class tickets to Peru from Izzy. Finally it was my turn. Jace took my free hand, and we walked up onto the main stage, where Alec and Magnus were sitting. I handed them the envelope and stood back with Jace as they opened it. Alec opened the envelope and gasped, tears streaming down his face. He showed it to Magnus and Magnus began to cry too. They pulled me into a giant hug and whispered a thousand thank you's in my ears. I pulled away and walked off the stage. Jace walked over to me and his arm snaked around my waist.

"What did you get them?" He asked. I smiled slightly before saying.

"An Immortality Rune."

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