I can't believe you...

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Clary POV.
Today was Jace's and I's 6 year anniversary. And I was planning a little surprise for him.

I had cleared his whole schedule and mine so we could spend the day at the park together, me protecting him from the ferocious ducks. I also wanted to get him a little gift, so I managed to pull some strings and get him a Herondale engraved seraph blade. It had the Herondale family emblem on the hilt of the blade. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I took a deep breath before holding the blade behind my back and opening the door to his room. I expected to see Jace on the bed, reading like he usually did. But that's not what met my eyes.

I saw a shirtless Jace, making out with Kaelie, starting to undress her.

I gasped and covered my mouth with both of my hands, hearing the blade clatter to the ground behind me. That sound made Jace perk up and turn towards me, salty tears filling my eyes. Devastation filled his.

"I can't believe you..." I whispered, turning on my heel and running down the hall of the Institute, away from Jace. I heard him whip up and start to chase me down the hallway. The tears poured down my face, making my makeup (done by Izzy) drain down my cheeks.
I ran all the way out of the Institute and into the rain outside, soaking me to the bone. I sat down on a park bench, weeping, and sitting in the cold rain.

"Clary!" I heard Jace call, but instead of looking up at him, I stared at the saturated ground.
"Clary, Baby, look at me." He pleaded.
"Don't call me that." I spat, turning away from him. He gently turned my face with his hand.
"I'm so sorry, my love." He apologized, a tear finding its way down his cheek.
"You obviously aren't. Six years, Jace. Six years today to be exact. I had something so amazing planned for the guy I love. But it turns out that you're just the way you were when I met you. A selfish player, who I never should've trusted." I could hear the hatred in my own voice.
"Don't say that, Clare. I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I bumped into Kaelie at the bar, I was trying to find Simon and Maia said he'd be at the bar doing a gig. Kaelie started talking to me and I tried to push her away. When I found Simon, we had a few drinks, and I guess when I got tipsy enough, she came onto me. I'm so sorry my love, please forgive me." He looked at me, so much pain in his voice. I shook my head a little.
"Just... give me time, Jace. You don't know what you did when I saw you with her." I got up from the bench and walked away from him, going further into the rain.

I didn't turn around. I couldn't bear to look at him. I just walked. Far, far away from Jace.

-time lapse-

Clary POV.
It's been three years since I walked away from Jace. I needed more time than I thought. Technically, we were still dating, we never officially broke up. He called me once in a while, checking up on me to make sure I was okay. I had portaled to Chicago, not straying too far away from home.

It was time to go back, and I wasn't looking too forward to seeing the guy I walked away from.

There will be a part two to this one!

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