I can't believe you.... Pt. 2

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Clary POV.
I said goodbye to my new found friends at the Chicago Institute before drawing up a portal to the New York Institute. As I stepped into it, I waved goodbye to my friends and prepared myself to see my old friends.

I ended up just outside the doors, as you can't portal inside the wards of the Institute. It looked the same, the same stained walls, the same tarnished stained glass, the same chipping bricks that made up parts of the walls.

It was home.

I opened the doors and was greeted by the familiar smell and warmth that the place held. It always smelled of metal, slightly of demon ichor and pine (the Institute always tried to mask the scents of daily Shadowhunter work with some cheap pine air fresheners... it never worked). I walked into the main hall and noticed all the familiar faces that were wandering the halls. Before long, I literally ran into the ivory haired girl herself.

"Clary!" Isabelle screamed, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.
"I've missed you so much! Never do that again!" She directed, pulling away from me and giving me a look of authority.
"I'm sorry, Iz. But I had to go after what I witnessed. Don't worry though, the people at the Chicago Institute treated me fantastic. I'm here to stay though." She smiled and dragged me to the training room, where two familiar figures were training together. I saw the blue eyed, dark haired boy battling the blonde boy with sticks. The blonde boy was using a seraph blade. Izzy stuck out a hip and crossed her arms, clearing her throat. The two sweaty boys turned around.

"Clary, how nice to see you again." Alec said, coming over and giving me a one armed, side hug.
"You too, Alec." I smiled at him. That left Jace standing alone in the middle of the training room floor, staring at me.
"You know it's rude to stare, Jace." Izzy said, taking Alec by the arm and leading him out.
"We'll leave you two alone." And the big doors shut, leaving Jace and I alone.

"Hey." He started, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hi." I said politely. This was awkward.
"So... how was Chicago?" Jace asked me, holding the seraph blade in one hand.
"Good, not too eventful." I replied, crossing my arms like Izzy did before. We stood watching each other for a few silent, awkward minutes before Jace decided to talk again.

"I missed you." He said shortly, looking me over, his eyes darkening. I raised an eyebrow.
"Miss me enough to apologize again? That'd be appreciated." Jace looked away.
"I didn't exactly want to do it here. Somewhere more private would be better."
"Well, just do it here. Or you'll lose me faster." He glanced down at the floor before back up at me.
"I am so sorry, Clary. I am dumb and stupid and an idiot for going to the bar and getting drunk in the first place. I should never have stayed after I realized Kaelie was there. You are the love of my life, and I can't bear to lose you again. I love you so goddamn much. Please forgive me. I'll never wrong you like that again. You're too important. These last three years without you have been absolute hell. Please stay, be mine again... if you still want me." I felt the tears rush to my eyes. There's my Jace.
It took me a minute to speak.
"Of course I still want you. Yes you're dumb, and an idiot, and stupid. But you're my dumb, stupid idiot. And I wouldn't have you any other way. I love you so much too." Seeing the light come back to his eyes bright a spark to my heart.
"Now get over here and kiss me you idiot." I said, jokingly. He chucked and sauntered over to me, kissing me lightly on the lips.

This was the Forever I wanted.

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