Alternate Universe

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This is based off of the show starting

Jace, Simon and Marlene all stood out at Simon's van, spray painting it.
"I'm feeling inspired." Jace said as he came around the side of the van, painting what looked like a diamond with horns.
"That's weird, I didn't even mean to draw that..." he said, trailing off. Just as he was about to go back with Simon, a short redhead girl bumped into him.
"Hey can you watch where you're going?" He asked, kinda offended that she just walked away.
"You can see me?" She asked, turning around. Jace squinted his eyes.
"Yeah, that's kinda the point. But you obviously didn't see me.."
"You have the Sight." She demanded. Jace was confused.
"Wait, the what?" He asked.
"How can I not know who you are?" She asked. Jace smirked.
"Has that line ever worked for you? Even once?" The girl was about T.I respond, but someone called,
"Clary c'mon!" From inside the club. She turned and ran inside.

Little did Jace know that his life was flipped. Forever.

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