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I wasn't surprised that he had a private jet or that we were picked up from the airport  with a fancy airconditioned car. I wasn't complaining. We were going to spend the weekend together and I was giddy all over. The mess I left behind for Ellie to clean up at my house was epic. All my clothes were everywhere and my shoes were also all over the place. She didn't mind because she got to play dress up with me  and she expected me to bring her back something nice which I definately would.

Andre looked good enough to eat in his navy jeans and matching shirt. Dark colours made him look sexier than sin. He was oogled by both men and women at the airport as we walked to the terminals. I never felt better being the one he was holding so close to his side. He hadn't even let me remove my hand from his even to pick my bags up. 

I expected a hotel but was surprised to see that he had a completely furnished apartment. The man did like his privacy. The whole house was a brilliant white furnished with navy black and turqoise furniture. It reminded me of a beach house because of the colours.I was surprised to see our luggage already here.

"Welcome home, love"

Home. That sounded wonderful coming from his lips.His place was beautiful. I could feel him standing behind me.

"Come on I'll show you your room" He took my hand and led me to a cream painted room with a massive bed covered by red covers . The curtains were red and a goldish cream.The room screamed elegance, i had to admit, he had taste.

"I'll let you freshen up then we can get started and explore" He said with a peck to my cheek.

I took a really long shower and dressed in  a white sundress considering the heat in this place . I let my hair free and just brushed it down . I really need a haircut, My hair was  reaching my umpire now. I hadn't trimmed it in a while but it didn't look bad on me. I got out of the room to find him patiently waiting for me at the kitchen counter on his phone, probably working.

"You could have told me you were done I would have hurried up a little"

"I doubt that. " He said coming to his feet as he put his phone away." You're wearing white"

"I am , so are you"


He had changed into a white dress shirt and black pants.He held my waist and pulled me to him.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Getting as drunk and raunchy as possible"

"Why do I think this is only for your benefit" I said arching a brow at his smirk.

"I'm just curious to see what a drunk Keira Devonne can do or more like say considering the mouth you have on you when sober"

"I s that a challenge?"

"Actually yes and I doubt that you can keep up with me"

", you seem to be forgetting one thing Mr. Demakis," 

"And what's that?"He said swaying me slightly

"I 'm Keira Devonne"

I was wrong about the whole keeping up with him. I had been out of practise since my college years and to be honest I was feeling like a truck ran over me . It hurt in places I didnt  know existed. I lifted my hand to block the sunlight  coming into the room lifting my hand  to cover  my eyes before closing them again. Wait. My eyes fluttered back open and went straight for my hand. Thats a ring . Thats a really big ring.I jerked up the bed my heart beat racing as I stared at the tumor on my finger. The sheet that was covering me dropped. I was naked.My eyes widened at my new discovery, they moved slowly to my right. There was a man in my bed. Wait a minute, this isn't my room . This is his room. He was sleeping peacefully one hand still on me. I slowly lifted the sheet not to wake him up. Then I saw it. He was just as naked as me.I plopped back on to the bed and blinked fast and continuosly .Oh shit. Now I remember.

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