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After crying until my eyes were swollen shut I finally found myself asleep. My life seemed like a big lie. The man I thought was perfect for me ended up being the one to rip my heart out with his selfish plans to get back at my father. I was yet to find out why, but my father seemed to know why considering he had mentioned that Andre was a vengeful bastard. My own flesh and blood father who at this point I just wished I wasn't related to had pretty much demanded me to whore myself to the very man he called a vengeful bastard just to get him  his company back.Thank god nobody knew I was back from Vegas, technically, I still am in vegas, well my heart is .He was supposed to be coming over today and I had no energy to get off my bed let alone talk to the fool. I probably looked worse than yesterday considering I was in my short white blue flowered beach shorts and a lose white tank top with luminous green socks. My hair was a tangled mess and my eyes hurt like hell. I had given myself a cold from all the crying I had done and all I could think of was what was I going to do. Option A, stay married, be miserable as my husband sleeps around while I played the happy and doting wife in public and my father gets to keep the remainder of his company , wait ,wait, I have to seduce my husband and try to get full control of the company from him, which I doubt is even possible and even if it was I doubt i'd like the ending of it all. Option B, divorce the brute , lose the company, die by the hand of my father, and end up out of a job without the possibility of finding another, maybe end up on the streets too.Somehow, option B started sounding better and better considering I would die and be done with my misery.

The shrill  ringing of the door bell took me out of my thoughts. I'll ignore it and they'll go away.The bell rang five more times continuosly before the banging of the door started. I took in a deep breath and dragged myself out of bed before the idiot trying to break my door down succeeded. I caught my reflection in the mirror and couldn't even be bothered. But I was right, I looked worse than hell.I snapped the door open ready to murder the cow disrupting my peace.

"You" I sneered at the tall frame standing a look of irritation on his face. 

"Well you look pretty today " He said taking in my appearance.I rolled my half open eyes at him before proceeding to close the door in his face but he  pushed me non too gently into the house making me stumble before he got in and locked the door.

"Hey! you pushed me" I said getting steady on my feet again.

"I did" he said nonchalantly. His eyes were taking in my house. "You're not ready yet"

"Ready for what?" I said folding my arms

"To come to my house, you haven't packed anything"

"And what made you think I'm going anywhere with you" I said sizing him up. He just gave me an are you kidding me look that bordered on irritation before he turned around and started walking to my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked following him slighlty panicking. He went straight for my closet and started taking clothes out of it and dumping them on the bed. I picked them up and started returning them as he continued removing them not saying anything but his jaw tightly clenched

"You are a stubborn goat and I'm not going anywhere with you if thats what you're trying to do"

"Stop it!" I said trying to keep up with him. He suddenly stopped and faced me clearly pissed off. He grabbed my arms lifted me and threw me on the bed before trapping me under his weight his breathing coming out in harsh breaths.

"You don't seem to understand do you, so let me explain,you're coming with me to live at my place because we're married and because I said so. Your going to shut up and pack silently because lately it seems that every word that leaves your mouth infuriates me and you don't want to meet me when i'm angry. so you'll do as I say unless I say otherwise"

I was trying to meet his intense gaze but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing and he looked surprised at my reaction.

"You are such a bully, you know that? I'm not a child for you to talk to like im some dissobedient toddler.I'm not going to live with you just because we're married. I was inebriated when we got married so I can get an annulment silly. " I said with mock confidence

"Good luck finding someone to testify that you were drunk love, oh and there's the whole issue of you and your father losing the company " He said with a smug smile.

My smile faded and I pushed him roughly off me taking him by surprise making him fall off the small bed. I stood up ready with a slew of insults to throw at him but what he said next caught my attention.

"Lets talk about this like adults shall we?" he said getting to his feet.My eyes narrowed at him and he raised his hands as if in surrender. I sat on the bed and he came and sat next to me smiling.

"Why?" I asked feeling that constriction in my heart come back.

"A few years ago your father stole something that I held dear to me and all that  it meant to me" He said his expression serious.

"Who or What was it"

"You don't need to know who or what and I'm not going to talk more of that."

"You said that we could speak like adults yet you're not talking"

"Take it or leave it" he said his expression darkening. He meant it.

"The contract that you drew up, why?"

"Im not at liberty to answer that" he said a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Then can we talk about what it says?" I said feeling anger rise in me. He was not answering any of  my questions.

"Sure" he said smirking

"Why do you get to have extra marital affairs and I don't?"

"Because the ball is in my court and I can play with it the way I want "

"You are an arrogant pig!" I said getting off the bed but he held my hand and pulled me  down roughly to sit back down.

"And you are a stubborn child! I get to do whatever the hell I want because thats how revenge works love, I get what I want at your expense"

I bit my tongue and took a breath not wanting to give him the  satisfaction of seeing me act like a child.

"What if I find myself a boyfriend and have a tumble with him, since I'm not willing to do it with you"

"You were willing in Vegas"he said with a satisfied smirk. I glared at him trying to hide my blush.

"if he even gets close, to you though very unlikely,and  manages the even more impossible, task of having a 'tumble' with you, I cut his balls off and feed them to my dogs as you watch. When you have the urge for a 'tumble' you come to me and I will gladly satisfy any of your urges." He said smiling .

"Whats the point of me living with you, you already have the company"

"Like I said love, I get what I want at your expense, "

"And whats that?"

"Your father pays and " he said holding my hand


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