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Thinking about yesterday only served to confuse me more.He'd been so sweet to me making me dinner and just being adorable when we got home and I was happy for just a little while.My phone rings and its a private number distracting me from my foul mood. I pick up realising too late who's on the line."Morning hun." " "Dad" " How are y" I hang up before he can continue. I can't deal with this right now. The phone rings twice more and I'm tempted to throw it to the wall. On the third try he stops. Finally.

I care about Andre but I'm stuck. Thirteen days to deliver a bloody company, I can't consult because of his damn contract and I'm on my period. Oh joy.

" Morning babe" Andre's gruff voice says behind me."Don't" I say closing my eyes and gripping my coffee cup tighter. His hand stills on my waist and he pulls back."You okay?" he asks his voice  full of  worry. As if.

I swivel on the island chair I'm on and turn to face him coffee cup in  hand." Gawd you're ignorant." I say under my breath,"I need you to give my father back his company" His frown deepens."You know I can't do that." he says taking my cup from my hand and setting it on the counter behind me.

" How long do you think we can continue this way" I ask." What way?" he asks.  He actually looks worried.I take a deep breath. Its now or never" You  being amazing one minute pretending to be the perfect husband then the next holding the one thing that will get rid of all my problems out of reach."

"Love I " "Don't call me that!" I yell swatting his hand away from my hair surprising the both of us." I am not your love. I am nothing to you. " My voice is low and I'm not sure he heard me say it. I get off the high chair and he moves a step back a look on his face." If I were something to you, anything, you'd have the decency to do the right thing. I get it , you hate my father and I honestly can't blame you but what the hell does it have to do with me. He's breathing down my neck, you're breathing down my neck and I'm sick of it" I say throwing my hands up in exasperation. 

"He wants it back in less than two weeks or its my a$$ on the line and you can give it to him but you won't because of some stupid plan of yours. Do you ,ever, think of what the hell I'm going through? In all of this, I lose each and every time, every scenario of how this could go, I'm the one who loses in each one, not you not even him. So I'll ask again. How long do you think we can go on like this" 

His brow is creased and I can see him swallow ," I know this isn't the ideal marriage ." I cut him short before he can continue,"That's not what I asked you Andreas." He runs a hand through his hair and sighs," I want to have my cake and eat it too and I know you're in the middle of all of this but ." 

"You do realise you can't have them both. That damned company and I. You're going to have to make a choice sooner or later. " I scoff and run my hand through my hair,"What am I talking about , in thirteen days . You're going to have to make a choice ."

We are both silent looking at everything but each other. This needs to be over before I start crying and embarass myself anymore than I have since I met him."I just hope you chose well." I say and walk out the kitchen in my ice cream jammies and indoor boots.

The elevator doors close just as he opens the door to his house still shirtless. Damn my hormones and magnifying my feelings. I'm pissed but I really want a chocolate, a really big Hershey's and an even bigger Cadbury. There's only one place I'm going to get that right now.


"Oh my gawd K. I can't beleive you've been going through so much and you haven't even told me, all this time babe?" Ellie looked surprised to see me at her doorstep this early in the morning in my jammies , my eyes watery . I am so proud of myself I haven't shed a single tear yet since seeing her and spilling all of my pent up frustration on her. She'd welcomed me with all her chocolate and Vodka not once saying anything judgemental to me.Except the ten minute rant she went on on all the ways she'd kill Andre when I was done w ith this morning's details.

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