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I never knew I'd ever find my finger nails so interesting. The nude colour on them seeming to be the prettiest thing  my eyes seemed to focus on..I cast a furitive glance at the man seated across me sipping Andre's brandy like he owned it.

"So?" he asked putting the glass on the table next to him.I really am in no mood for him , especially today."So what?" I asked looking up to meet his hard gaze all my trepidation gone in a flash. He had no right coming into my home, well Andre's , but my current living space and make me feel like the guest. Thats not how it works.

"How was your trip?" he asks nonchalantly and I want to roll my eyes but refrain."Fine. How's mum. Does she know you're here" I counter smiling mildly.He nods and smiles back,"Radiant as ever. She misses you, she wants to see you. Over dinner perhaps?" he asks. No. No way am I going to dinner at his home turf. Hell no."Perhaps. But thats not why you're here so lets hear it " I say sitting up straighter out of habit whenever I'm around him and his proper self.

"Are you trying?" he asks his hand fidgeting with his Chopard watch.He and Andre really had expensive tastes. Pity though,that four thousand dollar watch still still told the same time that a twenty dollar watch did.I frowned at the thought.

"Trying for what ?" I asked feigning ignorance.I really was feeling b allsy today.He glared at me taking the last sip of his brandy slamming the glass down on the table."Careful, thats really expensive glass" I say eyeing the table.

"Will you stop with your childishness! " he yelled bringing back a tinge of fear in me. He stood up and walked to me slowly his face dark."I've indulged you for far too long. You damn well know what I'm talking about . It's you who signed the damn thing over. " he said a vein appearing on his forehead.Ba llsy. Today I'm b allsy I repeated in my head. I will not be intimiated.

"There's no need to raise your voice " I say surprisingly calm as I looked up at his looming frame.He crouched down and took my face in his hand."I. Want . My . Company. And you better get it back to me." He said his voice low.

I moved my face out of his hand and smiled overly sweet,"And I want to feed the hungry, cure cancer and make world peace. We can't all get what we want." I stood up as he did. Thank heavens I was still wearing my heels, they seemed to be giving me more confidence today.He looked surprised but anger replaced that quickly.

"You have a lot of nerve talking to me this way" he said his voice back to normal as he straightened his jacket remembering he was supposed to be calm collected and dignified at all times."You're the reason we're in this mess in the first place. If you hadn't signed the contract, " he said shaking his head clearly dissapointed and supressing his anger.

"I know that. The two of you won't stop reminding me. I made a mistake and I will do what I can to salvage the pieces" i sad confidently."Salvage?" he said raising his brows,"You will not salvage my company. You will restore it to me in the exact shape you handed it over with. If not , well, thats a whole other discussion for another day, I assure you , you will not like it" he said smoothing his suit jacket his eyes not leaving mine.

That sent a shiver down my spine. My eyes widened at his words,"Are you threatening me?"I asked shocked at this new side of my father. Who knew?

"The take over will be announced in two weeks as per the contract. Let me hope that in two weeks , I will be announcing my annual profits , not the loss of my company. For both our sakes." He said coming to stand infront of me. He kissed my forehead and stepped back.

"So you are threatening me. Your own daughter" I whisper still shocked,"I'm giving you incentive just like I taught you sweetheart. I'll give your mother your love" he said walking to the door and letting himself out.Wow. My own father threatened me.

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