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Again Sorry I got caught up so this is all I could squeeze in things will pick up next chapter



"Gold. You asked me my favourite colour." I smiled,"That was four days ago" My smile came out weird because of the look i was giving him "I'm answering now aren't I" he smirked his eyes looking lazy as he looked down at me. "Why gold? Its cause your rich isn't it?"I asked looking into his eyes "You've picked up a habit of asking questions in all your statements lately. Its annoying"He always had something to complain about when it came to me. I rolled my eyes, "Why do you find everything I do annoying?" "No? I find you annoying?There's a difference?" He rolled his eyes at me. I burst out laughing making Grayson, Layla and Pappouli look at us."Sorry. I'm just trying to get you and it is annoying when you put it that way".I was happy. He'd been nice enough for the past few hours and I'd even forgot the reason I'd made him bring me here. We'd talked, well I talked and he listened either bored out of his mind or amused. We'd cuddled almost everywhere and I hadn't even been spending time with his family, he wouldn't let me wanting me to be around him all the time, even when I made him mad, which I honestly didn't understand how I could aggravate one man so many times without even  trying. I suspected that he just wanted me to think he was angry at me because he didn't want me to get too attached to  him.He'd get a look, an unreadable one that I didn't like when I wasn't looking but whenever our gazes met, he'd arch a brow and give me the sexiest eye roll I'd ever seen amusement all over it. I didn't mind because he was being the man I'd almost loved when we were dating .

"You two are inseperable" Ivan said behind us making Andre let out an irritated breath on my neck straightening to his full height . He turned us around not removing his hands from my waist."What do you want Ivan" he said nonchalantly looking at Ivan. Ivan raised his hands in mock surrender,"I just wanted to talk . " he said smiling ."Well we're busy . Go find someone else to talk with" I wanted to tell Andre to stop being so rude but I'd promised him I wouldn't initiate conversation. The last time I'd opened my mouth to Andre on a boat he'd thrown me off it and I was not in the mood for a swim today.

"Us guys were going to get on the speed boats for a race, I wanted to know if you were in before we get started"."What do you mean the guys. No girls?" I asked and Andre looked down at me with a glare. I put my lips in a teeth over my lips seeing the look he was giving me and turned back to look at Ivan who hadn't noticed out little exchange.

"There's only  you, Mama's say she's too old for it, Layla's got her hands full with Lory and well the other three girls went to the main island the minute they got here. Noone's seen then since from what i've been told which leaves you and you're with him" I wanted to tell him I was in. I'd never rode on one of those and I was dying to try it out but I held my tongue nodding my head slowly as he spoke throwing fleeting looks at an unamused Andre who just dropped a kiss on my hair"Fine. We're in" "What?" did he just say yes to fun?!!

""Great come on then we're far enough from shore " he said walking away from us smiling.I turned to Andre who was blank and unreadable again."You said yes?""I said yes." he took my hand and led me to the edge of the yatch. "Why?" I asked as he took off my wrap around and helped me down the steps."I'm being 'nice'. Problem?" he asked holding his hands up for me to get into from the final step that was higher than the rest. If I knew Andre he'd registered that I'd spoken to Ivan when it wasn't necessarily directed to me going against our agreement. If there was something he never did was go against his contracts or  let anyone go against them.He would retaliate."Relax. I won't throw you off the boat." He'd read my mind."its just fun." he said smiling putting me at ease.

"We're going to go up to that dark line up there and round back up" Ivan shouted looking good shirtless on his speedboat.All these Demakis men were damn fine. Grayson pulled up next to me smiling ,"You sure you can keep up K?" he asked smirking,"I bet I can beat you" he smiled shaking his head an uneasy look on his face,"Uh, Sorry about yesterday. I ,I didn't mean to stalker perv you out" he said blushing."Its okay. I showed you mine so you'll show me yours" I said winking and he looked at ease back to his loud and funny self. He'd been oddly quiet since dinner and even on the ship as he helped Pappouli set up his fishing rods.

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