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Andreas POV

The minute she handed me her contacts and drove away i called Sam,my head of security and good friend to find out everything about her. She was either unaware of  who i was or just brave. Probably the latter. Whatever the case she was a beautiful fool. She had the most amazing figure i had ever seen and it didnt hurt that her face too was exquisite. She had the prettiest  honey brown eyes that did nothing to hide her thoughts and emotions. When she was angry her eyes were fierce.They looked like pools of golden brown fire. Ididnt believe in destiny but seeing her twice today made me consider that there was something special about her. I would just have to find out what. . I spun myself around in my chair to face the window.The view is amazing. The sun was setting and its rays reflected off the mirrored walls of the mountains of buildings in the city.The way the light hit the buildings reminded me of her eyes. I have to bed the woman. She is right under me.The double meaning to my thoughts made me smile. She would be right under me in this very room if i played my cards right. The vibrating of my phone brought me out of my thoughts. Sam.


'i got the report you wanted, there's nothing much to her'

'since when did you give reports through the phone'

'Like i said, she's not worth the time i would take to leave my pregnant wife get to your penthouse i'm emailing it to you as we speak''

'let's hear it then'

'Keira devonne, twenty three years old,  went to Princeton graduated with full honors ,two degrees one in Economics and Statistics and the other in Actuarial science, both on scholarship. She lives alone in pier riviera westmore street ,  she's not in a relationship as per now. She lives a pretty quiet life. Hired by Marshall Nolan while in university through recommendation a year ago. Finished two degrees at twenty three beacause she skipped two grades. She was a fast learner. Parents are Douglas Shay and Kris Morgan. They own..'

'No need to continue I'll go through it later I have an appointment'

' hmmh, Mila?'

'No, Caroline'

'I thought you were with Mila Howard?'

'I was, it was fun while it lasted'

'Two weeks?'

'Best two weeks of her life, i'll call you later we can grab a drink''

You'll get the hardcopy of the report on ms.Devonne in the morning the wife doesnt want me anywhere next to you on a Friday night, she says that  only spells trouble'

'That much is true, give her my love'

'Dont i know it, I'll see you'

I hung up my phone and got up. Carloine was expecting me at her house and i wasnt going to dissapoint her , she never dissapointed me when it came to the bedroom. To be honest i didnt even know the first thing about the woman. She had long legs, blonde hair and a pretty face plus she was a model. That had to count for something. We , well, I never wanted to know much about her because she didnt interest me beyond the physical attraction. She would always come up with a new way to make me happy preventing the getting to know each other phase of a relationship, if what we were was even a relationship. She was shallow but a good fuck. Ms.Keira Devonne however interested me and i intended to act on it. My instincts were telling me to go for her and i would, something told me that she would be an even better fuck. I was just going to have to wait and see because i was going to get her in my bed. I could picture her small frame under me already causing my loins to tighten. Caroline would have to suffice for now but Keira Devonne was my goal and i achieved my goals, i would just have to figure out where and how  to start . And i would start right there in the office.


Hi!!!!! to all readers let me know what you guys think about this book . I know that its a little slow but the good stuff is coming up in like a chapter or two...... then there's gonna be some drama. A lot of drama! spread the word, vote, comment, inbox me :)

 The next chapter is going to be longer. Forgive me i was pretty busy when writing this.

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