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I was showered and dressed in a flash my mind focussed only on one thing. Andreas. I knew he could be mean and high handed but this , this was too much. My phone ringing constantly with my father's name was just adding fuel to the flames of my anger. I thought when someone didn't take a call after five trials, it meant they didn't want to talk to you but he couldn't take a hint and I'd resorted to ending the call the moment his name flashed without even waiting for the phone to vibrate after his tenth trial. 

Where the hell was my car.I scanned Andreas underground garage for my baby but it was nowhere in sight. I didn't have time to start asking about it my eyes reaching the cabinet perched on the wall an array of keys in it. It had a code that I was sure triggered an alarm  by the looks of the red flickering light on the keypad. I knew nothing about Andreas to even start guessing  letters and numbers. He was so random at times the code could even be 1234lmnop.

"UUgghhh!!" I huffed walking out his personal garage and out of the front door of the building my white buckle peep toe  heels clicking on the tiled floor.He was going to get an earful from me and this time he wouldn't distract me like last night.

I hailed a cab before the door man could do it for me. "You okay Mrs. Demakis?" he asked standing close to me clearly seeing my irritation,"Fine Andy" I said getting into the cab that stopped next to me. The driver eyed me a hungry look on his face and I grimaced at him through the rear view mirror. I told him the address and he started the car. My mind couldn't settle and my mouth moved faster than my mind

"Am I hot ?" He seem startled,"What?" " Do you think I'm pretty?. I don't mean to be vain but I know I'm hot body wise, but am I pretty?" I asked him seriously my hands folded . He smiled looking at me through the mirror,"I think you're beautiful, hot and very gorgeous" he said smiling,"You should get rid of whoever made you think otherwise maam" he said his eyes returning to the road clearly amused.

"What if I can't?" I asked the smiling driver,"You can always get rid of him. You just don't want to" he said steering the car to the right. I slumped back on to the seat folding my arms."If only you knew" I muttered as he came to a stop two blocks away from the building."Sorry but I can't take you all the way, there's nowhere for cabs to stop" he said apollogetically. I smiled at him giving him a handsome tip. He didn't know it but he'd increased my confidence just a bit and  I need it for the scene I was willing to create if Andre even dared throwing me out like he'd stated.

"Thank you maam" he said his smile making his beard shake ."No thank you" I said smiling. I got out of the car careful not to flash my panties in the white fitting long sleeve dress I was wearing.I shut his door and he waved to me driving off.

I turned on my heel and bumped into someone stumbling slightly but strong arms steadied me."Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" the voice said as I looked up to meet his eyes,"Keira?" he asked surprised."Ivan." I said looking up to his now smiling form.He let go of my waist and arm ,"What are you doing here?" he asked clearly pleasantly surprised. I was surprised too but I was really pining for a fight with Andre."I work there, worked, work" I said shaking my head 

"You look good" he said in a friendly way and I smiled at him,"Um I'd really love to talk but I kind of need to go and see Andre" I said glancing at the building htat was so close yet so far."Oh don't bother. I'm from there he hasn't arrived yet. I've been told his in a meeting at Houlding corp. that's going to take all day" he said making my heart sink.He must have seen the expression on my face and put a hand on my shoulder searching my eyes.

"You okay?" he asked concern in his voice.I nodded looking back up to himApparently the gods were always in Andre's favour and against me."Yeah. I just wanted to talk to him about something" "Anything I can help with?" he asked . My mouth opened and closed. Your not supposed to be talking to him.You promised Andre .You promised. But what has he done to make you keep your promises huh? He's been nothing but mean and Ivan's being nice just talking to you.

"Unfortunately no" I said frowning . "Um, well I'm free right now, would you mind if I bought you lunch? We could wait for him incase he comes back early?" he asked cautiously clearly seeing I wasn't comfortable being around him."I know Andre doesn't like me and I don't want to cause problems between you two so you don't have to" he said stepping back slightly. If Andre wasn't at work there was literally no point in me going there. He was my work .I couldn't go back home after leaving a few minutes ago and looking this good.I really didn't see what made Andre hate him, he was more of a gentleman than him and nicer. I smiled at him not wanting to waste my outfit.

"Okay one coffee and I'll be on my way" he smiled at  me gesturing ahead of him and I turned to walk side by side with him as he led me to a cafe opening the door for me .

"I thought you guys were still going to be at the island for a few more days" I said sliding into a booth as he sat opposite me."Well Grayson left the following day because of work and Layla and Adrian had to leave because Lory was sick leaving me with Pappouli and Mama. Pappouli and I hung out a bit but neither of us lasted mama fleeing saying she had an emergency .And I had to come back to work since I literally just ran out" He said stopping as the waitress  came for our orders leaning into him slightl. I smiled watching him visibly move away and grimace. I van was handsome I'd admit it but he was no Andre.

He ordered a burger and fries and I did the same in no hurry. Ellie was probably working right now so she couldn't keep me company for no. I knew I was doing this to annoy Andre and I wanted him  to feel as infuriated as me. I pushed the slight tinge of guilt trying to settle in me . I wasn't doing anything wrong. Andre desevred the payback for ignoring me, leaving with another woman in his car, letting her talk to me the way she did and firing me for no apparent reason.He really would blow an artery when he found out and I couldn't wait to see it.

"So what do you do?" he asked digging into the plate set before him."I work with Andre, his executive assistant , kind of like P.A but I also used to do consultations for his predecessor." So it was an office romance?" he asked amused,"Not really" I said not anting to elaborate.He caught my drift and nodded in understanding.

"You must be really smart then if you were doing consultations  for Marshall. To think of it he used to rave about you . We've actually met before" he said recalling something."I think I'd remember you if I met you" I said carefully eating to not spill on my white ensamble."Yeah we did briefly, at um a , some dinner a few months ago. He introduced you in a hurry," He clicked his fingers,"You were wearing an emereld evening gown if I'm correct.My eyes widened recalling the night he was talking about but not remembering him. Marshall had introduced me to a number of people that night keeping me under his arm like his daughter.

"You have a good memory. I remember the night ... but not you" I said smiling at him."Its okay,. I just remeber thinking how does she walk in those shoes" he said chuckling . I felt at ease with him as we continued talking our conversation easy . He had a sense of humor which had kept me laughing throughout lunch.He glanced at his watch."Oh. I can't believe its been three hours already, I need to go" he said wiping his mouth."I know. I need to get going too" I lied not wanting to disclose my possible unemployment situation.

"Sorry I kept you so long" he aplogised gettinng to his feet as I did mine,"This was nice" I said smiling at him. "Yeah, it was. You're a very easy going girl Keira. I'm glad Andreas found you." he said walking to the door opening it for me ."But if I want to keep my head , I'll be ssing you around?" he asked a smile reaching his lips."Maybe" i said non committally. Just because I'd used him as a distraction didn't mean I wanted Andre to take my head off for making it a habit of seeing him.

"Do you need a lift to where your going? My car is back there" he said pointing to the bulding behind him."No, I'll just use a cab. Its faster and I'm already late" I lied smiling at him. He nodded and took my hand in his sueezing it gently and kissing it lightly.I'd noticed he did that to all girls I'd seen him with, Carrie, Layla and Lory so it didn't alarm me as he dropped a quick kiss on my hand."It was nice seeing you Keira. I like you" he said nonchalantly and in the most friendly way possible without making it sound like he was trying to pick me up. "Yeah well I got to go" I said opening the door to the cab parked next to me. He waited for me to leave before walking .

I got home feeling much better but the minute I got to our floor I wanted to turn back and be anyhere but there."You can't ignore me  forever darling" "Dad" I snarled under my breath . This was so not my day.

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