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Part two tomorrow:)

"You really are a heavy sleeper" I narrowed my half open eyes at Andre as he hovered above me his lip tilting up slightly in an almost smile.I reached for the cover and was dissapointed to find it over him.I pulled it over the both of us and he smiled as the sheet came over both our heads . I shut my eyes groaning in frustration.He dropped a kiss on my lips surprising me making my eyes flutter open."Shouldn't you be at work" I croaked watching his hand run lazily through my hair as he looked at my face. His fore arm  supporting his weight off me beside my head he smiled his dimple showing.

"Get up we're going horse riding" I scrunched my nose up in disgust. I had no problem with the animals.It was more of the concept of  riding them."No." I said not in the mood for his bullying today."Why not?" he asked alomst sounding dissapointed.Frankly I couldn't care less. After a long night of contemplating my life, I'd decided i'd rather suffer the consequences i'd been threatened with first than give up my life and independence for this air headed fart.

"Because I'm going to go ahead and enjoy unemployment." He arched a brow"Really?" "Yes really."I pushed him off me ."And if I may ask ,what brought about this ingenious plan" he said sitting up folding his arms.I smiled sweetly at him,"Call it being a freshly unemployed house wife with so much time on her hands .It tends to get the cogs turning" 

"Oh? Well Mrs.Demakis. Its for charity.We're required to be there.". Why the hell did the rich feel the need to spend so much money to raise money? Why couldn't they just give the money required to arrange these events to charity and save me the trouble of riding a bloody horse."You have two Mrs.Demakis Mr.Demakis." I said swinging my legs off the bed.Find the other " I said sauntering into the bathroom. He clearly wasn't expecting that.

He knocked lightly on the door as I stepped into the shower ."I do.Not have .Two.Mrs. " he said calmly.A smile played on my lips as I stepped under the hot jets."Thats not what I heard or saw." I said as calm as him."It'll be fun. We'll drink champagne , ride horses make fun of people in stuffy clothes and we'll be raising money for children. " I rolled my eyes at him as I scrubbed at my hair,"What money?I don't have any, remember?" I said smiling. Gosh it felt good to rile him up a bit.

He paused probably thinking about what I just said to him,"Ellie's going to be there. I invited her" he said .Trying to bait me ?I think not Mr.Demakis."Good for her" I said  rinsing my hair and conditioning it."So is my mum and Grayson" I raised my brows.He hadn't threatened me yet. He's in a damn fine mood today." Send them my greetings then will you hon" "Hell even that idiot Ivan will be there" I froze.Ivan eh? I kept silent wrapping the towel round me. I opened the door m,y curiosity peaked.He was standing shirtless his arms on the door posts supporting himself.

He gave me his best pout and I frowned. Since when do you pout."Do it for me?" I arched a brow. Clearly he was trying to get a reaction from me."For the children?" he asked . Ivan was going to be there huh? "Everyone will be there?" I asked my curiosity peaked He smiled thinking he'd got me."Everyone. We can do anything you want after." I need a new hobby and pissing this gorgeous man infront of me seems like the best one. Its his fault I need one anyway."Fine. For the children" he smiled that bloody dimple showing,"For the children" he said mischief clear in his eyes.

I never thought I'd see so much white in the same place at the same time, in so many different shades. Extravagant was an understatement. I looked up at Andre and smiled. He could be cute in his own way. He'd made us wear matching outfits. He was in white pants and a navy polo shirt tucked in neatly and black boots. I was in the female version of his outfit. White fitting pants and a very fitting navy shirt with the she version of his black boots.I'd laughed when I saw the outfits laid out.He'd smiled and went straight to dressing.

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