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another update yay,all chapters will be unedited till I'm done.Vote comment :)

I never thought I'd play the part of a nagging wife in all my life but right now, it felt like I would murder Andre.The minute he'd walk through that door he had  a lot of explaining to do. A LOT.The nerve the idiot had to just let some woman, hot or not, no she was more of elegant and pretty, I was hot. Correction, AM HOT. I shook my head to get back my train of thought.

The minute he walked through the door he was going to explain to me in great detail why he let some woman call herself his wife and call me the help, the help for pete's sake! all the while he oggled her and walked past me like I was some painting on the wall.I hadn't even worked on anything the rest of the day pacing around my office and rushing to his office whenever I thought I heard him. I'd had to take  a cab, a freaking cab home!! Why? because Andreas ran off with the b!! ch in his car. Some husband he is.

My a $$ probably wighed more than that jurassic park reject all tall and bony .UUghh!!Ellie confirmed that I was way hotter than the skeleton. But she was a damn pretty skeleton. Wait a minute, why am I even jealous?I don't exactly have a claim on the man, m m I do , I do have a claim. He said he'd be faithful and be nice to me. He said he'd try our whole monogamy out and he ignored me.No, he didn't ignore me, he blatantly told me I blended in with the walls.

Midnight and he's not back. My anger was simmering down only because I really was sleepy.He'd get my wrath when I woke up. I changed into my volley ball shorts and tank top and crawled into bed too tired to even last another minute awake.

My dream was amazing, Andre was  kissing me in all the right places his strong hands holdingme down to the bed.His lips trailing kisses up my tummy to my neck. His lips met mine a cold breeze fanning my chest alerting me I was topless.My eyes fluttered open and he really was ontop of a naked me. He captured my lips in a hot kiss full of need and I bit him.

"WHAT THE HELL ANDREAS"  I  shouted as he jumped back holding his lip."WHat the hell is wrong with you!!" he yelled back as I pulled the sheets up to my chest."Me ? You're the one showing up at ungodly hours ravishing me after you walked past me today when you clearly heard her insult me. But no, something's wrong with me."

He looked confused for a minute but quickly fought to stifle a smile as a look of slight panic came over his face."That was you?" he asked innocently in a whisper a smile threatening to form on his face his dimple clearly showing as he pursed his lips in an effort to stop from laughing.

"You are unbelievable" I said moving to get off the bed the sheet clutched to my chest. I yanked at it forcefully but he grabbed my arm and crawled to my side of the bed pulling me back down with him."I'm sorry, I really am. I was caught of guard and didn't really see... you?" he asked looking sheepish."Really, thats what your defence is?I had to use a cab after you left me to leave with that witch" I said looking him straight in the eyes. He flinched and creased his forehead,"I know it sucks but its the truth. I promised you it would be just you and I and I keep my promises love. I f ^^^d up and I am really sorry for it" he said honestly .

"Did you hear what she called me,  better yet who she said she was?" I asked a fake smile on my face.He arched a brow,"No?" "She called me the help, said she was your wife" He had a blank look on his face, "Doesn't ring a bell. But i promise you it won't happen again. I will never not .. I won't ever....There really is no way to say this without sounding like an a $$"

"I don't forgive you and neither do I believe you" I said firmly pushing him off me.He grabbed my hand again and brought me to lie ontop of him his hands firmly encassed around my  back and waist.I struggled to get off him but I failed miserably,"Yup  keep doing that" he said as he moaned and I felt his hard member directly lining up on my nether regions.I slapped his face and his eyes fluttered open,"You are a pyshco. "He said flipping us over to be ontop of me.He kissed my neck and I fought to keep my eyes open. I pushed him gently and he only got more aggressive pulling away slightly,"Lets have hot I'm still mad at you  s   e   x and then some make up s  e  x.You won't be mad at me after"He took my lips in his, his hand moving to my breast kneading it gently. 

I was putty in his arms. "god you're beautiful." he said lifting himself from my breasts,"So beautiful" he said looking into my eyes."What happened today, I'm sorry, really I am. You are the most beautiful woman i've ever laid eyes on. Be sure of that" he said locking our lips together. I pulled away and  he looked at me,"You don't have to lie to me I'm already naked" I said chuckling and a grim look formed on his face,"I meant it. I mean it" he corrected brushing my hair away from my face.

"You still have some explaining to do" I said moving my head up to kiss him but he pulled away and pushed me back down,"Do you trust me?" he asked shifting slightly his erection rubbing on me.Did I trust him? In theory , but he changed faster than a chameleon . A part of me screamed  say no, for my own sake but as usual when it came to him , my mouth was faster than my brain."Yes" He grinned,"Good" he said kissing me and thrusting into me at the same time eliciting a moan from me

One hand on my hip he slid back torturously slow and slid in slower my muscles recognising his presence and adjusting.I moaned in pleasure as he made a guttural sound."F   k" he cussed under his breath his eyes shut a look of pure lust on his face.

He opened his eyes and met my gaze,"I need to do this" he said lifting his weight off me.His thrusts come hard and fast my head bobbing up and down as he gripped my hips . He pulled out and pushed in his breathing deepening. I thrust up with my hips matching him.My inner muscles twitched and a moan that didn't sound like him tore through him his body shaking as he twitched inside me as my body clenched around him a cry escaping my lips.He collapsed on me his heart thudding."I'm sorry" he said kissing the crown of my head pulling me into his arms.

My hands searched the bed for him but were met with cold sheets. I opened my eyes to a fully clothed Andre looking all crisp and put together in his three peice navy suit paired with a white shirt that emphasised his skin colour. I jolted off the bed clutching the sheet to my body."Why didn't you wake me, now we're going to be late" I said rushing to the room my clothes were in to pick out an outfit. I threw one on the bed and ran back to his room to shower.He was seated on the bed presumably waiting for me to finish. He grabbed my hand as I tried to rush past him to the shower pulling me to him,"Not now, You have that meeting with the client you made us come back for" he gently tugged me down to sit next to him ."I forgot to tell you something" he said slowly like he was explaining something to a child.

"You resigned" he said looking me straight in the eyes a blank expression on his face"No I didn't" my face scrunched up in confusion,"Yes you did. Yesterday , I'll bring your stuff here today" he said carefully."No I didn't so what the hell are you playing at Andreas" "You said you trust me right" I nodded slowly,"Good, then just go with this okay? It's for your own good" 

"No its not. It for your own benefit isn't it" i snarled yanking my hand from his and getting up,"Is this about my father because I am sick of paying for his mistakes" I yelled at him as he came to his feet to meet my gaze.My hand tightened the sheet wrapped around my chest a fierce look on my face,"Its not about him. This is about you and I " "How! How exactly is this about you and I? I've worked my butt off to get to where I am right now and you want me to resign because 'its about you and I'" I yelled my neck craning to meet his eys.

"You need to trust me about this one love. I'm doing this for your sake" I stepped on the bed and stood straight to tower over him my finger pointed in his face"I don't need you or want you doing things for my sake so don't waste your heroics on me Andreas" He sighed irritated."Don't bother coming to work today, you resigned" he said folding his arms,"I will do as I freaking please." something snapped in his eyes,"Fine your fired!" he said walking away from me to pick up his briefcase .

"Excuse me?" "you heard me, I said you're fired . If you show up you will be escorted out of the premises."You'd do that?" I asked shocked at his high handedness jumping off the bed following him as he walked,"I just did" he said walking to the door"I'll sue you. You have no grounds at all to fire me" I yelled at him . He wasn't yelling and it annoyed me to my wits end."Try me , see how that works out for you hm" he said walking out the door and closing it behind him . I couldn't run after him being naked and in a sheet.

I clenched my fists and screamed wanting to tear my hair out."What the hell!!!" I yelled at the air. This was definately because of that Vaugh woman I'm sure. He really had a lot of explaining to do. 

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