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"Go at a trot and lead him, don't let him lead you." Ivan gently put his arms around my waist lifting me to the very tall horse. I hadn't expected him to lift me so my hands reflexively shot out to steady myself on his shoulders."Ineed you to swing your leg over " he said as he lifted me. I quickly obliged feeling uncomfortable with his hands around my waist.

"Remember what I told you. Just relax." he said taking the reins from the horses' neck. "We'll just take a little stroll before the game starts." "Won't I tire him before that?"

"No, he's not participating. He's a spectator today." Ivan said bending to try and secure my feet in the stirrups. It wasn't happening. They belonged to someone much taller and bigger than me. The horse was already the same size as a damn elephant."Don't jerk him, your feet can't reach these on both sides. Last thing I want is Andreas breathing down my neck because I dropped his wife" he said joking. I smiled uneasily. I highly doubt he'll notice you dropped his wife,now his investment/collateral then, maybe he'll breath down your neck

"Here we go" he said patting the horse to start moving. I held onto the front of the saddle as he walked beside me." How you holding up baby? She's not to heavy huh." I frowned."Baby?" why the hell would he call me baby?. He arched his brow," Oh I wasn't talking to you Keira. I was talking to baby." "Wait,this, she's a baby? " "Yes he's a baby, its his name." A smile broke out on my face."You named this overgrown pony baby?"  "Yeah. He's my baby" "He's yours?" "Yeah, why are you so surprised." I shrugged,"You don't really come across as a horsing type of guy let alone the kind that names them baby" He smiled handing me the reins." He's a little bigger than most but if you think he's big, you should see Andreas' Now that's a very large horse. And for the record, don't make fun of my baby. He's still a baby and it hurts his feelings."

I laughed ."You got a good grip on these" he said patting my hands which held the reins." Yup." "Good.Now I want you to nudge him gently  with your foot. He's going to go to a nice trot.If you want him to speed up just nudge again and lean forward, he'll get the message. To get him to slow down, just tug at the reins gradually since you're a beginner. Don't go too fast coz when you stop he might throw you off, these on't fit you" he said patting my foot. 

I looked down at him and smiled."If I don't make it out alive, I just want you to know... it'll all be your fault." he chuckled lifting his hands in mock surrender.I took a deep breath and nudged the horse.He took to a trot and for a moment, I shut my eyes scared. It wasn't bad at all. I leaned forward and nudged again. He went faster and I was enjoying myself .He turned into some trees and I ducked in time. He ran on a rocky path jerking me up and down . He jumped over a log landing with a little more force  than I'd expected making me land with a jolt to his side with my foot. He went even faster and I pulled on the reins but he jumped over another log making my foot kick him harder.

Itugged at the reins but he must have been getting mixed signals from my feet and hands. I was tugging but my feet kept hitting him so he wasn't budging. 

 This bloody horse must be the creature that draws satans chariot.""Stop .....kick.. him!" .My body was bouncing up and down in the most painful way possible.I lifted my dangling feet and kicked gently as told craning my neck behind to try and kill Ivan with a death glare. The bloody thing just went faster! "UUgh" I squealed ducking to miss a low branch only to be jolted back upright by the demon horse. 

Ivan was behond me on another horse trying to catch up with me. "Lift your feet and pull him in!" He shouted louder so I was able to hear him above the wind whipping past my ears.I did as told lifting my legs and tugging. Baby came to an abrupt halt his hooves digging into the ground sending me forward. 

I squealed as he threw me over his head to land flat on my back with a thud our faces only inches apart as he dropped his head to mine probably asking me,"What the hell is wrong with you woman?"

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