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The ride on the elevator is nerve wrecking but I don't show it. The doors open and our team of four walks out. I get a small thrill from being the only female with the three big shot guys. The dumb girl in me is playing some song as we walk in slow mo to the familiar boardroom. 

Ivan holds the door open for me and I walk in and take a seat directly on the right of the head of the table where Andre will sit. There's barely 10 cm separating us now. I take out the ipad Ivan gave me having all the stats and files he uploaded and I set it right infront of me.My phone vibrates and I look at the unknown number. It's not on my caller id.

I excuse myself and leave the room to answer the call. I regret it immediately." Why haven't you been answering my calls Keira."

"I don't know, maybe I have a life."

"Don't get smart with me. You gave me a worthless document. Did you know he was going to do this?"

"No. "

"How about the fact that we're now broke and out of a house."


"The house Keira, its being repossesed by the bank. He'd been taking loans. Big ones before he signed it over."

I close my eyes . Damn you Andre.So that's what that text was about."Can we talk later. I have a meeting."

"No! we'll talk now because it's your damn fault this.."

I hang up and twist my mouth. I can't think about this right now. I have a meeting and I need to be professional. I can feel my control snap and its hanging on by a thread. Ican't do this anymore.

I reenter the room and sit back down. I hear Andre's voice from behind the open door and he's laughing.

He walks in in a clean cut black suit and grey tie and for once i'm not even affected. He cuts his laughter short his eyes landing on me as he enters the room.His features turn dark and  I manage an impassive face without any effort it scares me.I see him clench his jaw and I don't think he notices but his hand brushes against his crotch in reminder of Saturday.

 We're about fifteen of us in the room but he only seems to notice me. He lifts his eyes and they move to Ivan seated next to me on my left and he bites down on his teeth. Hard. Ms.Vaughn enters smiling but freezes too.She recovers fast and sidesteps Andre to sit opposite from me. She's averting her eyes from any direction that's close to our side. I wonder why.

Andre strolls in and takes a seat.,"Everybody out" he says calmy and the chatter that was in the room quiets. I push back my seat and stand to leave but he points at me ."You, sit." He eyes Natalia and Ivan ."The three of you stay." 

I slink back down into my seat as the rest of the people leave quietly.The door clicks shut silently and Andre sighs," What is this?" he asks his eyes on me.

"What do you mean?" Natalia asks clearly shaken up."I wasn't speaking to you Natalia. Be quiet."

"I'm talking to the two of you.' he says pointing at Ivan and I." She works for me Andreas."

"Since when."he grits out.

"She quit working with you>" Ivan says and its clear he's getting mad too.

"So you're not only fu ck ing but now you're working together." Natalia's breath catches and I look at her, she's turning red.  My mind goes back to her emails. Dr. Pavlov. Oh my god. How did I not see this before. Dr. Ivan Pavlov the scientist. Pavlov 's Ivan's code name. What the hell are they doing together?!

'stay away from Ivan Keira'  'why?' 'because I f u ck ing said so.'  she cheated , I left' Andre's voice rings in my head. OH. MY. GOD.

"Oh shut up!" I say standing and Andre whips his gaze to me." Excuse me?"

"Don't play deaf with me. You two get out. Now."I say pointing at the two of them.

"You can't speak to me like that" Natalia says and Andre and I speak at the same time," Shut it."

"I'd like a moment with my wife please." he grits out and Ivan and Natalia get up silently and leave even quieter. Andre remains seated and I fold my arms.

"What ar"

"Shut the hell up Andreas." I say moving behind the chair to walk up to his face.

"I have had it with  your attitude, your insults, your interferance in my life and quite frankly you in general."

He moves to open his mouth and I raise a hand closing my eyes,"I get it. You had some huge vengeance is mine plan and you have it. You got your company back, took my father down and handed him the scraps and I can live with that. What I can't live with is that I was the catalyst to all of this. You have used me in ways no other normal human being would have put up with . You have used me to lie and hurt the people I love. Yes he's far from perfect but neither are you.I've let you walk all over me because of some stupid illusion I put up of you"

"Quit acting the victim here Keira!" he says standing up and I can feel that thread snap indefinately.

"You've slept with him when you were with me after you promised you'd stay away from him!"

"Okay! Fine! I didn't stay away from him but I never slept with him. I have been the perfect wife to you even after everything you've done to me! If you'd told me he and Natalia had cheated on you I would have taken it even more seriously but that's your own fault you keep everything from me! He gave me a job nothing more."

"Then what the hell is this!" he yells even louder thrusting his phone in my face. All I see is Ivan and I in different situations.

"Those are pictures" 

"Of the two of you ."

"Doing what?! Having lunch after you fired me? Riding separate horses after you passed me by to talk to your supposed wife? Him helping me into a car after you made me have to go looking for a job that you took from me illegally?!"

"You've f u cked him and others. Your own father admitted it. You've been giving him the money you get from them haven't you.You even came up with the plan didn't you all because you thought I'd give it back to you !

I make a face at his stupidity,"You know what, I'm not going to even try. The fact that you can take the word of the same man you hate with every fibre of your being over the one person who's taken your crap for so long and stood by you even after everything you've put me through says a whole lot about you and frankly I. am .Done. You got your pound of flesh and much more from me so I'm going to do you a favor and rid you of all things Vandercamp. I want a divorce."

He opens and closes his mouth,"You know that's not going to happen you signed the contract."

"And its terms have been completed. I told someone, you got the full thing, you signed it over and now there's nothing left of it. I have no ties binding me to you any more and neither do you. I. am done. With this. Your stupid revenge . Us.You!"

"It's not over till I say it's over Keira."

I raise a brow at him then I pick up my purse, for once I don't flinch at all when I say these words,"Fu ck you Andreas." I move to walk out but he catches my arm and I push his hand away.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyer." I say leaving the boardroom without another glance back. I find Natalia and Ivan outside in heated whispers.

"You. " I say stopping infront of them. Natalia turns to face me," I hate you." I say to her and turn to Ivan.

"And you. Your own blood? Really? That is disgusting and pathetic. I quit." I say walking away from them and into the elevator. A sense of calm and peace comes over me and I know I've made the right choice. Even though it hurts like hell.

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