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Unedited but some drama is on its way.

I wanted to smack Andre really hard but I held my piece for the sake of my sanity,"Why can't you go and leave her behind?" Pappouli asked clearly not willing to let me go as he held me in his arms squeezzing the life out of me,"Eisai trelos? Would you ?" Andre asked giving him a 'well you are just daft' look.

"I asked him the same question" I said trying to pull away from the old man,"Oh sorry to paidi mou" he released me setting me back on my feet."I'll be seeing you around sweetie" Carrie said hugging me , gracefully of course."I'll be back  in a few days anyway so you better take care of the only daughter I'll ever have Andreas" she said as he kissed her hand and cheek.

Ivan stood at a distance knowing that Andre wasn't in the mood for him as always."Well we need to get going" Andre said moving to my side putting an arm around me. He made me feel so tiny when he stood next to me.Pappouli, Grayson, Carrie and Adrian walked us out the door Layla being too busy with Lory who was either sick or just seeking attention as Adrian put it.I'd said my goodbyes to her earlier in her room as she battled with the tiny toddler.

I sighed in relief when Andre put my bags in the car for me . He smiled knowingly seeing the relief on my face and I smiled back liking how easy going we were with each other since he'd blatantly told me we were together because I was a good lay and i'd already met his family so there was no need to cause ripples. He later on called it a win win even though he knew damn well that I was the losing party.

He all but pushed me into the car away from Ivan who'd started walking towards us a small smile on his face. He noticed and lifted his hands in mock surrender stepping back as Andre crossed to his side of the car glaring at him as his smile never wavering.

"What's the deal with you and Ivan?" I blurted out earning me a dark look as Andre sped off uneccessarily fast turning to look at me not even looking where he was driving."You should look where your going Andre" i said terrified as he kept his eyes locked on me my eyes stuck on the speedometer that was quickly moving to one forty."And you should keep your nose where it belongs " he said his eyes not leaving mine. I clutched at the leather seat breathing when he finally turned his face back to the narrow road.

Well ,that lttle understanding was short lived, as expected.He was moody again. I shut my mouth knowing an argument would surface the moment I opened my mouth again.He drove silently his eyes not wavering from the road as he pulled up in the small garage getting out of the car and opening my door for me. At least he still had manners even when  he was pi ss  ed .I got out and walked to the jet behind Andre as the pilot and another man took out our luggage.

We settled down silently and to my surprise he came and sat next to me taking my hand in his playing with the ring on my finger, a habit he'd formed recently but I wasn't complaining using any excuse I could to touch his golden skin.He looked amazing, his usually tan skin a deeper bronze that did wonders for his dark  features. His hair was longer and its current length was perfect .

"Don't ask me questions I can't answer love" he said silently and I nodded as he kissed the back of my hand. The rest of the flight went well  as he surprisingly gave me his full attention as I talked about nonsense that only I really understood. He listened clearly amused with my argument that  the simpsons was the best cartoon ever

."I still say what's opera doc is the best cartoon of all time" He said smiling at me his dimple  showing."How old are you?" I asked a weird look on my face,"Is that even from this century?" He rolled his eyes,"Its a classic, that was when bugs bunnny was actually bugs bunny and not this nonsense thats aired nowadays" 

I smiled at him ,"We'll watch it right now and you'll see what I mean" he said opening the door to his apartment.My heart did a little dance at how sweet he was being holding my hand even inside the house. "Come on" he said tugging at my hand  taking me to his room. He threw a shirt at me and a pair of his boxers as he changed out of his jeans and shirt."You know my stuff is here right?" I asked lifting the boxers ,"Just wear them, you're about to experience  an epiphany" he said  settling on the bed and patting next to him. I changed quickly and jumped on the empty side of the bed as he pressed play and pulled me closer to him, the cartoons theme song playing."You really have this on repeat?' I asked noticing how he didn't even put a cd in. He'd been watching it before.

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