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Having no plan is turning out to be exactly what I need. Less than twenty four hours after i'd promised myself I'd get back at Andre having no precise course of action and I already had employment in the last place Andre would look or want me to be. 

I'd surprise him about my job when the time was right somewhere between today and the next thirteen days but for now i had a pressing matter that I really wanted to deal with. Ivan being as nice as he is said I could start tomorrow. I jumped on that even though it made me feel like a total leech.

I'd be a total idiot to believe I'd got one over Andre. According to the google search i'd done after my talk with Ivan I might have just cost him one of the biggest clients he had. The arab guy was a royal something who was in the very elite ranks of billionaires both in dollars and his foreign currency. I'd deal with that probably when I got home. That's if Andre  let me live  to see a second after I saw him.

I really need to nip the Natalia Vaughn issue in the bud before it became a bloody branch. My steps falter at the thought of running into Andre at the only place I can find the witch. Appearances are too important for him to try anything at his office , I console myself and cross the street to enter the monstrosity Andre calls his.

I smile at Peter the guard at the buildings entrance and he waves at me  the old man's smile giving me the energy I need to scope out the competition.

I pass reception and Ellie isn't there. She's probably found a new gossip buddy by now and is up somewhere trying to make her day go by faster. I  enter the elevator and put my game face on , at least I think thats what it is. 

The doors ding open and I'm met with the familiar rush of employees running around with papers and tight skirts and one too many skinny black ties.

I spot Ellie at the door to my former office, the witches new office I presume and rush to her.

Her eyes widen and she walk runs to me  looking uncharacteristically flustered. Nothing flusters Ellie.She grabs my arm and drags me to an empty office two doors down. The glass frosts over as soon as the door closes and she takes in a deep breath.

"What . The .Hell. Did . You. Do." she asks me and I'm lost for words."What are you talking about?"

"It has to be you. Boss man over there's breathing up everyone's ass especially mine because of some stunt you pulled this morning. What is it"

Oooohhhh.I grimace and she smiles,"You need to leave before he" there's a knock on the door."H- he wants to see you Miss Kavanagh" Ellie rolls her eyes at the door.

"Thanks Jennie!" she yells and looks back at me,"Intern. Scared of the big bad bossman. Anyway, you should run." she says nonchalantly and  I smile weakly at her.

"If you can don't go home today. Or ... ever" she adds chirpily and I roll my eyes. It can't be that bad

She walks out of the door and I move to follow her. I try to blend in as inconspicuously as possible my eyes down. I'm almost home free when I bump into a hard chest thats only too familiar.Strong hands clasp my arms to steady me and I raise my head slowly.

"Going somewhere?" he asks a smile I know too well on his face. I'm going to pay for this. 

"Actually yes" I say stepping back from him. He removes his hands from me and I can see his eye twitch slightly.

"I need to talk to you." he says calmly and my throat works to swallow. Its suddenly hot.

"We'll talk at home bye baby" I say as I side step him to run but the air is whooshed out of me and I'm in the air my hands flailing. My hair falls over my face as I'm carried upside down

Im not so happy about my bra choice now because my boobs feel like they're about to pour out and I'm left to chose between my modesty or falling. I chose modesty my hand going to my chest to hold the girls in the other grabbing Andre's firm but for support. It's the first place it lands and I hang onto it like a lifeline.

"Put me down!" I yell and he has the audacity to spank my bum right infront of his employees.Ellie will never let me live this down. And all around us the commotion  has gone down to dead silence.

"One more word and I drop you" I hear him grind out and that's enough to shut me up. "The rest of you better get back to work " He raises his voice and the commotion is back with even more vigor.

He finally puts me down, well throws me onto the couch in his office and I bounce almost falling off.

I brush my hair out of my face with my fingers and at the back of my head I consider a haircut or ponytail .its almost waist length is going to be a problem if it keeps getting everywhere considering I'm going to be pissing Andre off quite a bit in the near future.

He shuts his eyesand takes a deep breath and I sit still like a little child waiting for a spanking.

"You have really done it today." he says as he folds his arms . I really hate our height difference right now. So I stand but he's not having it, he pushes me back down with little force to sit on the couch.

"Don't push me around! " I yell ,"I'm not some doll you can just pick up and throw around." I say getting back up and he repeats the same motion sending me back down to the couch.

"Take that up with God. I'm not the one who made you so little." he growls running a hand through his hair.

"You have no"  

"You need to just shut the hell up love. If you know whats good for you." he interrupts and my mouth opens in shock at his rudeness.

"You just cost me  a couple mill that I didn't need to lose."

"You can afford it" I mutter and he closes his mouth his eyes widening slightly 

'Just because I can doesn't fuc cki ng mean I want to! I swear to gawd I'm going to kill you if you keep running your mouth" he adds silently closing his eyes. 

I roll my eyes and get up pushing him away from the couch. I'll have no more of that pushing business.

"And I will murder you in your sleep if you push me one. more. time." I say as I poke his chest.

He rolls his eyes."What the hell  were you thinking!" he exclaims his eyes narrowing at me. My inner b it ch reminds me that Andre hates my nonchalance so I bait him against my better judgement.

I shrug and he widens his eyes,"I was mad" I say with a little sass and a smile. He blinks rapidly then shuts his eyes turning around

"God help I'm going to kill her. I really am." he mutters and my smile gets bigger behind his back.

"And now?" he asks calmly turning to face me once again.

I shrug again and I can see his eye twitch."I'm not" I'm bitter.

"So were done with this, this nonsense?" He asks and I walk to where he's standing.

"What nonsense?" I ask innocently as I put my hands on his chest.

"You .trying to fuck with my business" he grounds out standing still . I draw a little circle on his heart and an x inside it. X marks the spot.

"You mean like you messed with mine?"

"Is this about your job?" he asks as I craddle his face his arms still hanging by his side his face still passive but we both know he wants to kill me. And I'm okay with that, provided he goes down with me.

"No." Its much more "Are you done messing with me?"I ask innocently rising to my toes.

"Probably not" he says raising a brow and I bite my lip smiling.

"Then no." I say pulling on his tie to bring him closer to me. He smiles that devilish I'm going to get you smile of his and I raise a brow at him as he complies to bring his face closer to mine.

He puts his arms on my waist and lifts me to his height , my feet slightly off the ground.I capture his lips with mine and we share one of the hottest kisses ever. I feel him get hard but he pulls away biting my lower lip.

"Then game on baby" he says releasing my lip. Then the next second I'm on the couch. Again. And now, \I'm going to kill him in his sleep.

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