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We're at the table at the backyard having breakfast the sun just out a cool breeze blowing. I've changed into shorts and a vest, apparently Andre figured I'd be stubborn and we'd spend some weeks here so he'd packed me a suitcase.He's looking at me a smile on his faceand I'm tired of asking him what its about. Pappoulli's been talking about something but he's given up trying to keep any of our attention. Andre's making it hard for me to eat because he wants to hold my hand and he's seated on my right.

He's barely listening to his grandfather but he doesn't seem to mind.He seems grateful for the company.

"I want to marry you. We're getting married." Andre says pushing his plate aside and I almost choke on the juice I'm sipping."Excuse me?"

"We'll get married again do it right this time."

"That's my cue kids." Pappoulli gets up and takes his plate with him into the house.

"That's twice now you've ordered me to marry you." He frowns

"Don't you want to?"

"How about you ask me nicely and find out." I say overly sweetly and he rolls his eyes at me. He pushes back from the table he pulls my chair back and turns it to face him . He gets on his knee then  takes my hand in his large ones.

"Keira." he says and I smile,"Sweet sweet love. " he says mockingly and brushes my hair out of my face and smiles,"Will you marry me.Again."

"That's not a question Andre." He sighs,"This could be a lot more romantic if you just went with it you know."

"It could couldn't it, but lets try that again baby."

"Beautiful love, the love of my life will you do me the honor of saying yes and marrying me?"

"Andre,tall and handsome  Andre, No."

"What do you mean no."

"No offense or anything but planning a wedding is so much work and we're already married .I just want to be with you just you and me you know?"

"So you don't want a wedding?"

"No. I already have a ring and a husband..and a story that beats the regular couple's so no I don't want a weddiing." He looks confused.

"So what do you want?" I put my arms around his neck and pull him close to me.


"You have me.All of me." he kisses me and I smile ."You want to go for a swim?"

He frowns. I know what he's thinking."Yes I'm allowed to swim. I checked."

He's not satisfied but he doesn't say anything else. He get's off his knee and stands infront of me. He lifts me from the chair and carries me,"You know I can't deny you the pleasure of seeing me half naked."

"You are a dirty old man."

"Don't even start with me on that I'm only thirty one." I wonder why his age is an issue for him. "Grumpy are we."

"You realise I could drop you at any moment right?" I poke his dimple. He's trying not to smile."I know but you wouldn't ask me why."

"Why?" he asks sarcastically.

"Because you love me." "You got me there." he says chuckling. He won't say it but I know its bothering him that I haven't told him I love him.But I plan to rectify that tonight.

"Are you sure you have to be there?" I ask pouting as I brush my hair down. He's making us go to the main island to attend a beach party for one of his family friends'.I let it fall down my back the humidity here has already kicked in and its not pretty. He on the other hand is a picture of perfection in a white shirt and white pants.

"Yeah. It's only today then its you and I all alone for a while."

"I put on my sandals and grab my phone. He didn't pack a purse for me but he did pack a cute little dress that he bought me. He has good taste. I mean look at me.

"Ready?" he asks and I nod. He takes my arm and leads me to the back door."Shouldn't we be..." I'm cut short by the sight before me.

The beach is lit up with lanterns, a canopy at the end of an isle full of white dahlia's and double daffodils. The lighting is golden and the double daffodils only enhance the romantic feel. He did his research. I'm not allergic to them and I love them.

My mother, Ellie, Gray , His grandfather and Carrie are all dressed in white and they stand once they see us.

"What is this?" I whisper and Andre whispers in my ear."I know you said you didn't want a wedding but you deserve the best not some chapel in Vegas. Knowing you, you'd hate anything big so this happened.Tell me its not a trainwreck."

I turn to him and smile,"Far from it." He takes my arm in his and we walk to where the officiate is.Ellie gives me a thumbs up and I wonder when she became pro Andre. 

We face each other and I'm so lost in his eyes I don't really hear what the officiate says.I watch as he frowns and he whispers,"Do you?"

"Do I what?" I whisper back."Take me to be your husband. Again."This feelslike deja vu only better.

"Sure. I mean yes I do." I say and he smiles."You're not paying attention are you." 

"It's your fault your so pretty." I say smiling "You're not too bad yourself""Can we continue?" the officiate interrupts.

"Don't get testy with my wife sir." Andre says and smiles at me."Do you Andreas Dimitri Demakis take Keira Devonne Vandercamp to be your wife"

I mouth Dimitri to him and he chuckles,"Yes Dimitri and I do."

"That's a hot name." I whisper to him and he laughs.

"Mr.Demakis wanted to say a few words to his wife." the officiate says and I smile. He's pretty good at the romance is what I'm now discovering.

" I love you. All of you and you've given me a whole new life. From the moment we met you've challenged me, surprised me and captivated me like noone else.I fall more in love with you everyday and I can't believe how lucky I am to be marrying my best friend.No offense Gray. I promise to love you even when you're being stubborn ,to cherish you even when you're just spoiling for a fight and I'll even let you win a couple of them. You are my life and bottom line is that I love you.No matter what.  It's just you and me.... till you kill me in my sleep, I know you'll want to.'

'Andre. We are not really suited for each other but then again opposites attract right.You're tall and I'm short. You have a very short temper and I'm pretty quiet, well until I met you. But you also think I'm funny and laugh at my jokes. You think I'm the prettiest girl in the world even when I look like a horror story . You make me smile so hard my mouth hurts. True love is when two people become one ,an extension of each other . I love you.I love you even though I know you'll make me want to kill you in your sleep at the same time kiss you. I love you even though you never use a glass to drink from any carton. I love you even when you use my toothbrush and your's is right there. I love you because you are you.'

He's smiling so hard his eyes bright.'You may now kiss the wife.' the officiate says and I'm sure Andre told him to say that. He brings me closer to him and whispers,"You love me?"

"I do.' He takes me in his arms and its only me and him. No guests no ceremony just us two in this moment and I can feel every bit of his love pouring out to me. And in this moment, I know that we are forever.

Y'all the epilogue is next;')

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