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So Andre spends the next  few days pampering me and making me smile and I feel like I can get through this. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed  sure can spoil a girl.He hasn't even gone to work and  spends every waking moment with me I drew the line on a sponge bath but he keeps offering.He's kept his hands to himself and true to his word he's slept on the floor refusing the couch because he claims its too far from me.If I didn't already love him I would probably fall in love with him right now.

All we do is watch t.v ,eat, play boardgames , shower, sleep and repeat. He cheats by the way and I'm sure I've gained some weight this week from lying around all the time.He's taking me for a walk today and I can't be more excited.As much as I love being shacked up with him laying around, I need some fresh air.

I dress casually in leggings and his sweater and he's in jeans and a polo shirt. He looks so yummy I could eat him right up. 

He lets me walk to his car at the valet but he keeps an eye on me and I see him extend and retract  his arm multiple times to hold me but I don't say anything.He drives his hand doing the same theatrics and I want to laugh. He puts it on the gear box moves it to my side then retracts it fast, as if realising what he's doing. I understand him because he does have a habit of holding either my hand or waist. I don't think he's ever noticed but I'm sure he is now because he keeps frowning after he retracts it.

 We stop and he opens my door for me.I freeze. We're at the theme park on Barney street , where he took me on our date when we'd just about met..

"I remember here making you very happy and  we were uh happy here." he's nervous running his hand through his hair. I would really want to draw this out and make him even more nervous but he looks so lost those pretty eyes blinking fast . Even I don't know what to do with a nervous Andre so I make him comfortable in one of the two ways I know.

"All I remember is beating you in pretty much every game here." I say and he's back to himself in a second,"Challenge accepted Mrs.Demakis" We go around playing games and he wins me two bears but I give one out to a kid. He makse sure we relive the whole date and I can't keep a straight face. We get to the last stop and my heart wants to burst from all the love and hapiness inside me .

He takes my hand in his for the first time all day and leads me to the pink pony I made him sit on. I still have the photos to prove it. He hops onto it and I giggle. The lights turn dark and it starts to move. It goes round once and I take a video of him. It's the cutest thing I've seen all day. It stops right infront of me and he smiles at me.One of my favourite  songs start playing around us and that's when I notice everyone's cleared out from this part of the park.His dimple just making me want to swoon.

He jumps off the pony and stands infront of me and takes my hand in his once again.

"Keira. From the moment I got onto that pony a few months ago, I knew I was f uck ed. You came into my life so unexpectedly that I panicked. I've hurt you in so many ways and I have noone to blame but myself. I'm a di ck, a terrible friend and an even worse husband. Even I don't like me sometimes. You are wonderful, you give me just the right amount of  sh it, you make me laugh so hard I actually have leaked a little on multiple occassions but I'll deny that in public." I laugh at that. and he smiles big.

"Your smiles they slay me baby. I've never seen anything more beautiful than that smile, you light the world up with that smile. I realised that i'd kill a man just for that smile.Being with you has been the best thing to ever happen to me and as much as I'd like to say that I wish I hadn't met you so that I wouldn't have hurt you the way I have, I can't. I'd do it all over again just so that you could smile at me even for just a second. That you could laugh because you find me funny even though I find nothing remotely humorous about what I'm saying .You are the most favourite person in the world to me and as much as I want to do the right thing and let you go. I .Will. Not.You make me feel like the world is going to end if I'm not with you. And mine is. I love you and I will never deserve you but I want you to lie to me right  now and make me think that I do...,and even if you don't I won't give up, because you are my heart. I can't f u ck ing live without you."

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