Chapter 5: I'm Not A Creep

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Baekhyun's POV

I just can't have you.

When I'm finally released from the hospital, Chanyeol drops me off at home. He tells me goodbye and then drives off. I make my way inside, luckily no one was home or so I thought. Tiredly, I make my way upstairs and into my room. I crawl into bed and close my eyes, not noticing the person next to me. I roll over and, without knowing, become face to face with a person.

A soft blow of wind hits my face and I rub it. "Ugh." I groan, slowly opening my eyes to be met with a pair of brown eyes. "HI!!" The person exclaims, causing me to scream and jerk away, making me fall out of bed. "SEHUN!!" I screech.

His rainbow head pops over the side of my bed and he looks down at me. "Yes?" He asks, innocently. I stand up and glare at him. "Why?" I ask. "Why what?" He says. I groan and climb back into bed, climbing over Sehun and laying on his body. "Why are you in my bed?" I ask.

"I wanted to come see you after you got out of the hospital." Sehun answers. I sigh and say, "why didn't you come and see me when I was in the hospital. I was there for a week." Sehun pushes me off of him so I lay down on my bed. "I would've if I could. I got grounded the day of the incident and I couldn't leave the house." He tells me.

"I could've died!! And your parents still didn't let you!?" I cry out, a little dramatically. Sehun laughs and pats my shoulder. "You know my parents," he says seriously and I nod. Sehun's parents were lawyers and professional business owners. They take everything seriously.

When Sehun gets in trouble, he gets in BIG trouble. So it was understandable on why he couldn't come see me while I was in the hospital. "Chanyeol stayed with me in the hospital." I tell Sehun. "Really?" He asks, eyes wide.

I nod. "He said he loved me." I admit, looking down at my hands. "That's great!! You've liked him for a while now haven't you?" Sehun says. I slap his arm in embarrassment. "Yeah, I've had a small crush on him," I mutter. "But he's never felt that way before and now he's dating Jungkook."

Sehun frowns. "Did he say anything about Jungkook while he was with you?" He asks. I close my eyes and sigh heavily. "Chanyeol was on the phone with him and he told Jungkook that he loved him." Sehun frowns. "Wait... he told you and Jungkook the same thing?" I nod sadly. "I'm so confused Sehun." Tears fill my eyes.

"We kissed and he said that he loved me, but then he goes and tells Jungkook that he'll make up for the time he's been missing and that he loves him." I cry. Sehun pulls me into a hug. "I don't understand him Sehun. What's going on?" I ask, tears streaming down my face. Sehun rubs my back. "I don't know what to tell you Baekkie." He says.

I bury my face into Sehun's shoulder and cry. He lays us down and holds me in his arms while I cry into his shoulder, soaking his shirt. I curl up against Sehun as he rubs my back. "Try to sleep Baekkie," He says. "It's been a long day." I nod and look up at him. "Will you be here when I wake up?" I ask, feeling weak and vulnerable.

"Yes." Sehun replies.

Sehun's POV

I smile as Baekhyun falls asleep. My fingers reach up and I run them through his soft hair, extremely soft hair. Chanyeol is such an idiot if he's gonna let Baek go. I think, while staring down at Baek. No I'm not creep... or, wait.. dammit. I'm a creep. I roll my eyes at my own thoughts.

"This needs to be set straight." I say out loud in a whisper. Reluctantly, I pull away from Baekhyun's arms and climb out of the bed. Baekhyun reached out an whimpers. I quickly put a pillow in his grasp, which he pulls against his body and cuddles against it. So cute. I think to myself. But my boyfriend is way cuter. A smile crossing my face at the thought of Luhan.

I quickly grab his notebook from school and rip out a blank piece of paper. On it I write out, Baek, I'm sorry I had to leave. An issue came up and I needed to go home. Sorry I didn't keep my promise of saying with you. Love, Sehun. I place it on his nightstand beside his bed and I walk out of his room and head downstairs. Opening the front door, I shut it quietly behind me as I leave.

I rush to my car and I climb in. "Shit is about to happen." I chuckle to myself as I back out of the driveway and drive off. About five minutes, I pull up in front of Chanyeol's house. There was a car at his house that I didn't recognize. "It's probably Jungkook's." I mutter to no one as I walk up to the front door.

I let myself into his house and yet again quietly close the front door. I walk silently as I try to figure out where Chanyeol was. My eyes darted around the front room of the house. I'm a creep. Eventually, I was able to hear a noise, faint, but still there. I go into Chanyeol's kitchen and into the pantry, pulling out a baseball bat.

Should I question why Chanyeol has a baseball bat in his pantry? Yes. Do I question it? No. Leaning the bat on my shoulder, I walk towards the faint noise. As I get closer, I realize that it was a bad idea to come here. The faint noise was them and they seemed to be yelling at something. Maybe a video game. Taking the bat off my shoulder, I hit it against the wall hard, denting the wall. The yells stop and everything goes silent.

I drop the bat and quickly run into a different room to hide. My heart beating fast in nervousness. I can hear the door open from down the hall. "Baby what was that?" Jungkook's voice says. There were footsteps in the hall. "Why is the bat sitting here?" Chanyeol's deeper voice says. I hear him pick up the bat and walk towards the kitchen. Crouching down, I hide behind the wall.

I chose this spot since it had a good view of the kitchen. As I sit there, Chanyeol walks into the kitchen, soon followed by Jungkook. I cover my mouth so I wouldn't make a noise and blow my cover. Chanyeol turns around after putting the baseball back in the pantry. His eyes lock on me and I wave. Jungkook was still oblivious to me being there.

Chanyeol turns to Jungkook and kisses his forehead. "Why don't you go back to the game room and wait for me. I want to investigate a little more, just to make sure nothing was touched." Jungkook nods and walks back. I watch Chanyeol as his eyes watch Jungkook before looking at me. His eyes narrow and glare at me. "Come." He whispers.

I stand up and walk over to him, my arms crossed over my chest with a smirk on my face. "How ironic." I say. "What do you mean?" He snarls, also crossing his arms over his chest, leaning down towards me.  "You tell Baekhyun that you love him, but then an hour later, you're fucking with Jungkook. What irony? Right?" I laugh. Chanyeol steps towards me and glares. "My shit with Jungkook doesn't involve you. I can do what I want." He snaps.

"Just for your information by the way, we weren't fucking. We were playing video games." I roll my eyes. "Then what about Baek? Your best friend, who you apparently love?" I comment sarcastically. Chanyeol raises his arm, his hand in a fist, in anticipation of punching me. I raise my eyebrow. "Do it. I fucking dare you." I taunt. "Baekhyun would love to hear that his so-called lover punched his best friend." Chanyeol looks away and steps back. "Exactly." I smirk.

Chanyeol lifts his head back up to look at me. "Why are you here?" He asks. I shrug. "I came to tell you to choose one guy. Instead of leading two on at once." Chanyeol stares at me in shock. "I'm not leading two guys on at once!!" He yells. "WHAT!?" A voice cries out. I whip around to see Jungkook standing there staring at us, but mostly Chanyeol, who was frozen in his spot. "No. No. Jungkook." He says, nervously.

"Are you cheating on me Chanyeol?" His voice comes out in a whisper. I look between Chanyeol and Jungkook. Chanyeol looks down at the floor before looking up at Jungkook.


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