Chapter 21: I Can't Lose Him

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Chanyeol's POV

Still Monday

I open my eyes to realize that I had fallen asleep. Looking down I see that Baekhyun was still curled up against me, fast asleep. Well at least I wasn't the only one asleep. I think to myself. I reach down and run my hand through Baekhyun's hair. Said male whimpers and snuggles closer to me. I smile and close my eyes, leaving my hand in his hair.

I feel myself drifting off again when I hear the door close downstairs. I lift up my head to only lay it back down on the pillow. Once again my sleep was disturbed when I heard a scream, a scream that seemed to be in my room. I shot up, knocking Baekhyun off of me causing him to wake up, to see my mom standing there in shock. She was staring at me and Baekhyun, who was still very confused about the entire situation.

"What is going on here?" My mom asks, I could hear the anger that was laced in her voice. "Baekhyun and I fell asleep." I tell her, it wasn't a lie. My mom frowns and crosses her arms across her chest. "Then why are you both shirtless?" She asks. I look down at Baek who still was trying to wake up.

"It's hot in here." I tell her, trying to avoid the obvious question. My mom frowns and looks over at Baekhyun. "Get out of my house!!" She screams. Baekhyun sits up and frowns. "Wait what?" He asks. My mom glares at him. "I don't need you corrupting my son. You have five minutes to get out of my house." She snaps, storming out of my room.

Baekhyun just sits there biting his lip. "Baek." I say softly. He looks up at me and I see tears in his eyes. I quickly pull him into a hug. My shirt feel wet and I knew that it was because of his tears. "I'm sorry Baekkie." I tell him. Baekhyun pulls back and quickly gets dressed before turning out of my room and leaving.

I get up and put on clothes before running downstairs. I open the front door to see Baekhyun running down the street. "Come inside Chanyeol." My mom says from behind me. I turn around to face her. "What?" I snarl. My mom crosses her arms across her chest. "Why was HE here?" She asks. I shoot her a glare and run back up to my room.

"CHANYEOL GET DOWN HERE!!" My mom shrieks from downstairs. I roll my eyes and close my door. Moments later, my door swings open with my mom standing there. "What do you want?" I ask, slightly mad. "Why were both you and Baekhyun shirtless?" She asks. I roll my eyes and stare at her. "We were tired and hot so we fell asleep." I say.

My mom narrows her eyes at me. "I will NOT have a gay son." She snarls before stomping over to me. I stumble backwards as her hand slaps my head to the side. When I regain my balance, I look at her in shock. "No son of mine will be gay." She says once more before leaving my room. "Well I'm not really your son now am I!!!" I scream as she leaves.

The footsteps halt before they thump their way back into my room. "Park Chanyeol." She snaps. "Don't call me that." I say darkly. "You are my son, regardless of bloodlines. You ARE my son." I take a step towards her and slam my door shut once again, this time locking it. I walk into my bathroom and start the shower. After undressing, I step into the shower. Ice cold water hit my back as I sat down on the ground.

I couldn't feel the cold, as I was too upset to feel it. My eyes fill with tears and I allow myself to break down. With the noise from the shower, I allow myself to cry. Tears stream down my face. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" I scream out, my voice cracking. I can't lose Baekkie. I just got him back. Why did they have to take me in and change me? I just want to be myself. I think.

I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my face in my knees. The sight of tears on Baekhyun's face appears in my head and I started to cry again. I didn't want to think about how upset and hurt Baekhyun was at the moment. He might even leave you. My conscious say. I shake my head and sigh. "I'm sorry Baekkie." I whisper to myself. "I'm sorry."

Baekhyun's POV

My feet carry me to the park. I sit down on a bench and allow myself to cry. My face is buried in my hands. I couldn't help it. Chanyeol and I had taken the next step in our relationship only to have it be ruined by his mom kicking me out of their house. "Baekhyun?" A voice says. I look up to see Lay standing there frowning. I wipe my tears away and smile. "Hi Lay."

Lay comes over and sits down next to me. "What's wrong?" He asks me, placing his hand on my back. I sigh. "I got kicked out of Chanyeol's house by his mom." I say, looking down at my feet. "What happened?" Lay asks. I look up at him to see a look of concern in his eyes.

"Well..." I start off. Lay rubs my back. "It's okay, take your time." He says. I give him a smile. That was the best thing about Lay. He was so kind and caring. He was the best person to talk to when you have an issue. He'll just sit and listen. Lay puts others issues before his own. The world doesn't deserve him. Lay was amazing. "Chanyeol and I were at his house and we were alone." I say. Lay puts his hand to my shoulder. "Can I guess what happened and then you tell me if I was correct?" He asks. I nod allowing him.

"So you were alone with Chanyeol. I'm guessing you did some business." He smirks at me. I look down in embarrassment. Lay laughs. "So that happened. Then I'm guessing his mom came home and saw you guys. She got mad and kicked you out?" Lay finishes. I nod slightly.

"We had fallen asleep when she came in. She was screaming and made Chanyeol jump, so he woke me up. When I woke up, I was so confused. All I could figure out was that she was mad and Chanyeol kept trying to make her stop yelling. She gave me five minutes to leave her house. Once she left the room, I started crying so Chanyeol hugged me, but then I just got dressed, ran out of the house, and now here I am." I say.

Lay nods. "Well, first congrats on the achievement with Chanyeol." He playfully says. I roll my eyes and smile. "But I think you need to go home, shower, and then text Chanyeol." Lay tells me. "Thanks Lay." I smile again. Lay nods. "Any time. Now go home and shower. You REEK of sex." He says standing up. I laugh and stand up as well. "Thanks again Lay." I say waving and making my way to my house.

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