Chapter 2: Third Wheeling Is Boring

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Baekhyun's POV

My eyes scan the crowd of people, as I try to find my friends. "Do you see anyone?" I ask Sehun, turning my head to look at him. Sehun looks around and shakes his head. "No, but come on we need to walk around." He says, taking me by the arm and pulling me. I winces slightly at the pain in my arm, but I quickly ignore it as we bump into a friend. 

"SEHUN!!!" A voice cries out. Sehun lets go of my arm and quickly pulls Luhan into a hug. "LUHAN!!!" Sehun yells. I roll my eyes as I stand there watching them. Third wheeling is boring. As Sehun and Luhan reunite, I turn and try to find someone else that I knew. Two hands suddenly squeeze my sides, causing me to let out a yelp. I whip around to see Chanyeol, my other best friend who was a red headed giant. "CHANNIE!!!" I screech, leaping into his arms.

"Oof." Chanyeol grunts as I throw myself at him. "Baekkie!!" He says back, wrapping his arms around me. "It's been too long!!" I nod my head and pull back. "What did you do over the summer?" I ask excitedly. Chanyeol opens his mouth to speak but a voice beats him to it.

"I can tell you what he didn't do, and that's any girls." I turn my head to see Kai and Kyungsoo walking up. Kai had a huge smirk on his face. "Oh shut up will you?" Chanyeol groans. I laugh and hug him again. "Did you tell Baek about-" Kai's head whips to the side when Chanyeol suddenly slaps him across the face.

I'm sure my jaw was dropped open at Chanyeol's reaction. Kyungsoo and Luhan had the same expression as I did, shocked and confused. "Chanyeol." Sehun says in shock. The giant stares down Kai in a face expression battle. "Sorry." Kai says after a minute. Chanyeol takes a deep breath and turns back to me.

"Hey." He says. I stare at him still in shock. He laughs slightly and reaches over to me and pushes my chin up, closing my mouth. "You'll catch flies." Luckily, the first bell begins to ring so we separate and go our own ways to our homeroom. I make my way to homeroom and sit down at a desk.

My mind continually goes back to when Chanyeol slapped Kai. What was Chanyeol hiding that he had to hurt Kai? I'm so lost. The bell rings twice before the teacher stands up. "Okay class, I'll be passing out your schedules now." The teacher say. I patiently wait for my schedule. When I get my schedule, I look at my classes. Luckily, since I was a senior along with Luhan and Chanyeol, we had two classes a day since we had block schedules.

I pull out my phone and see that Sehun had texted me a picture of his schedule. While I was comparing our classes I smile. We have math and broadcasting together!! I text him, receiving an answer very quickly. YAY!!! Sebaek for the win!!! He replies. Laughing, I roll my eyes and open another text, this time from Chanyeol.

Hey babes. What classes do you have? He asks. I send him a picture of my schedule and smile. Oh sweet we have English, Math, and Broadcasting together!! Is the text I receive. I grinn and put my phone away. Looking back down at my schedule, I try to memorize the numbers of the classrooms I'm in. 

Unfortunately I'm terrible at memorizing stuff, so I just keep my schedule out of my backpack. When the bell rings we all stand up and departs to our first class, English. I walk in and quickly take the seat in the back row, in the corner, farthest away from the teacher's desk. Luhan walks in a minute later and sees me. 

"Hey buddy." He says, taking the seat next to me. I grin and high five him. Another minute later, Chanyeol walks in with his arms slung around someone's shoulders. Luhan and I exchange a look. Who is that? Chanyeol sees us and waves. "Hey Baek, Luhan!!" He calls out. We both wave as they take the seats in the front row of our aisle, leaving a seat between us and them.

"Who is that?" Luhan whispers. I shrug. "If I knew I would give you an answer." I reply. "That guy doesn't look familiar." I add. Luhan nods in agreement. I open my mouth to say something to Chanyeol and his friend, but the teacher starts talking, so I sit back and listen. Chanyeol can wait. Math and Broadcasting was nothing new. I was making my way to history when I slam into someone hard, causing me to fall onto the floor.

I look up and gulp. Kris was standing above me with a death glare on his face. "Get out of my way you fatass." He snarls, stepping on my hand before walking off. I stand up and sigh. Ignoring the stares, I make my way to history. As I walk in, I saw Kyungsoo waving at me. Smiling, I head over and take a sit next to him.

"What's wrong with your hand?" He asks. I look down and see that there is broken skin and it was starting to bleed. "Oh, just a little mishap." I say. Kyungsoo stares at me before sighing. "Okay, if that's what you say." He mutters. I nod and gently put my hand in my lap, covering it with my jacket.

Just then, Chanyeol's friend walks in. He sits down next to me and smiles. "Hi I'm Jungkook. I recognize you from English." He says. I smile and nod. "I'm Baekhyun. It's nice to meet you." His eyes widen at my name. "You're Baekhyun!?" He exclaims. I nod and he grins. "Oh Chanyeol told me so much about you. I'm honored to be in your presence." Jungkook says.

I laugh and nod before turning around to Kyungsoo. I make my eyes wide while staring at him. He shrugs and I roll my eyes. Pointless. When history finally finishes, I hand in my schedule and pull out my phone while waiting for the bell to ring. I had a text on the screen so I open it to see that it was from Sehun.

Luhan offered to give you a ride home since I'll be stuck here for another three hours. He'll meet you at the flagpole.

I roll my eyes and smile, quickly texting back a response. Thanks Sehun. Good luck with your other classes. I'll be expecting you to stop by when you're done. I smile as I send the text, the bell going off as I do so. I stand up, say goodbye to Kyungsoo before making my way down the hall and towards the flagpole.

When I got there, Luhan wasn't there. I pull out my phone and saw that he had texted me, saying that he had to go to the office before he left school. I text him back saying that it was okay and that I would wait before going to snapchat. I was messing around with the filters when a loud laugh filled the air. Chanyeol.

I look over at the school to see Chanyeol walking out with Jungkook, his arm slung around his shoulder. I feel my heart break slightly, but I didn't know why. Chanyeol has a huge grin on his face, one that I usually saw when he was really happy, one I usually saw only around me. Neither of them see me as they walk by me laughing. I watch them and sigh. "What's wrong?" A voice says. I turn to see Luhan standing there looking at me. "Nothing." I mutter.

Luhan frowns but doesn't say anything. "Come on, lets get you home." He says, grabbing my backpack and towing me with him. I can't stop looking over at Chanyeol and Jungkook. As we climb into Luhan's car, I see something I didn't want to see.

Chanyeol and Jungkook kissing.

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