Chapter 22: Not Again

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Sehun's POV
Still Monday

"I'm so bored." Luhan whines burying his head into my bare chest. I roll my eyes and pull him tightly against me. "But you're tired." I say. Luhan looks up at me and nods. "Because of you." He says, with a grin. I roll my eyes and quickly smack my hand down on his ass, causing him to yelp.

I laugh as he slaps my hand away. "Did that hurt?" I ask teasingly. Luhan nods and sits up, the blanket falling down, exposing his bare chest. I lick my lips at the sight of him. Luhan looks down at himself and quickly blushes. There were many love bites on his chest and neck.

"SEHUN!!" He shrieks. "Look at me!! I'm covered in hickeys!!" Luhan cries out. I throw my head back in laughter. "Oh baby. I'm just showing that you're mine." I tell him. Luhan blushes a deeper red before slapping my chest. He gets up and pulls on some sweatpants. I smile as he limps his way over to the bathroom.

"You okay?" I ask teasingly. Luhan shoots a glare my way before making his way into the bathroom and closing the door. I sigh happily and close my eyes again. The shower starts, somehow the noise becomes background and I drift off to sleep. 

"SEHUN!!!" I hear someone scream in my ear. I let out a scream of my own and find myself falling out of bed. I groan in pain as I hear Luhan's laughter from behind me. "Luhan?" I mutter. There are soft footsteps walking closer to me. "Yeah?" He asks. I open one eye to see him above me. "I hate you." I groan. Luhan laughs. "You love me too much to hate me." He teases, bending down and giving me a kiss on the head.

"Very true." I mutter, pushing myself off of the ground and into a sitting position. I lean my head back against the bed and close my eyes, only to open them when I feel a weight on my lap. When they open, I see Luhan straddling my lap. "Can I help you?" I ask, placing my hands on his hips.

Luhan giggles and buries his head into the crook of my neck. He slowly rolls his hips into mine and I moan. "Baby," I moan, placing my hands on his hips. "How can you be turned on? Was it not enough today?" I ask. Luhan kisses my neck and rolls his hips again. "Goddamnit Luhan." I groan. Unfortunately, that moment was when my phone started ringing.

I groan in annoyance and reach for my phone that was on my nightstand. I answer it without looking at the Caller ID. "What!?" I say angrily into the phone. "Sehun." Lay's voice comes through. "Oh Lay. I'm sorry I didn't look at the caller ID." I quickly apologize.

"Obviously. Anyway, I need you to visit Baekhyun. We were just talking at the park. He seems pretty upset at what happened at Chanyeol's place." Lay explains to me. When I hear that Chanyeol did something to Baekhyun, I feel my blood boil. Luhan was staring at me in confusion, probably because of my change in mood.

"What happened?" I ask Lay. "It's better if you hear it from him. He's heading back to his place." Lay says. "Okay. Thanks for telling me Lay. I appreciate it." "No problem. Bye." Lay says. "Bye." I reply, hanging up the call. "What was that?" Luhan asks. I sigh. "Baekhyun's upset about something that happened with Chanyeol." I tell him. "Oh no." He says.

I nod and stand up, gently picking Luhan up with me. I set him down on his feet before pulling him to me and connecting our lips. Luhan whines when I pull away. "I guess you're going to go check on him?" He says. I nod. "I'll be back tonight okay?" I tell him, wrapping my arms around his body. 

"I know." He says, nuzzling into my chest. "Go back sure that Baekhyun is okay." He says pulling away. I nod and kiss his lips once more before making my way outside. I climb into my car and make my way towards Baekhyun's house. Once I get there, I climb out and go up to the front door. I let myself in and close the door behind me. "Baekhyun!!" I call out, walking to the bottom of the steps. 

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