Chapter 6: Just A Little Mishap

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(A.N The media honestly killed me. I thought it was so funny.)

Baekhyun's POV

I go back to school after resting at home for a few days. I begin  pulling stuff out of my locker when it slams shut and I get thrown onto the ground. I look up to see Jungkook standing above me. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" He screams. "THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU!!"

I gasp as his foot makes contact with my stomach, multiple times. Rolling onto my side, I clench my stomach in pain. "You are a disgust piece of shit BAEKHYUN!!" Jungkook yells as he punches and kicks my stomach, legs, chest, face, or any where he could hit.

The kicking stops suddenly. I looks up to see a figure standing above me. "Get out of here Jungkook." The person says darkly. I watch as Jungkook sends me a glare before storming off. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I roll onto my back and close my eyes. Two hands grab my arms and pull me up. I struggle to stand, but I open my eyes to see Kris standing there. "Kris?" I say in shock. The taller male nods at me.

"Baekhyun!!" I hear someone yell as Kris supports me and helps walk me towards the  nurse's office. My eyes search the crowd to see Sehun running up. "What happened?" He asks panicked. I lean against Kris as my head starts hurting. I close my eyes and groan. Make it stop please.

"Come with us Sehun. Take his backpack." Kris's voice says. I feel Sehun pull off my backpack and I'm swooped up into arms. Surprisingly, I crack my eyes open to see Kris carrying me. Thank you I think. My head was aching so much and my stomach was killing me. I hear a door open and that's the last thing that I hear before every noise around me goes silent.

Sehun's POV

I walk besides Kris, looking at Baekhyun worriedly. We get to the nurse and Kris lays him down on one of the beds that were in the room. "He's unconscious!" I half whisper and half yell. Kris does nothing but nods when I look up at him.

"Kris!! He's unconscious." I sit down next to Baekhyun and brush some hair out of his face. There was blood on his face and bruises forming. The nurse comes over and does an overlook on Baekhyun. "He needs to go home." She says. "I'll call his parents." She starts walking back to her desk. "No!" I cry out. The nurse stops and stares at me as well as Kris. "His mom is out of town for work and his dad doesn't live with them." I explain.

The nurse nods and frowns as she sits down. "Then what do you suggest?" She asks. I look down at Baekhyun. "I'll take him." A voice says, that wasn't mine. I look up to see Chanyeol standing there. "That's not a good idea." Kris says, coming over and blocking Baek and I from Chanyeol.

I could clearly see the frown on Chanyeol's face. "I'm a senior so I can miss classes. Sehun you can't." He points out. Kris turns his head slightly to look at me and I reluctantly nod. "Let him." I sigh. Chanyeol walks over after Kris and I move.

He slides his arms under Baekhyun's legs and back, carrying him bridal style. I watch sadly, as Chanyeol carries Baekhyun out of the nurse's office. Kris nudges me and we both follow Chanyeol. I tuck my hands into my pockets as I walk after Kris.

Standing off to the side, I watch as Kris opens the door for Chanyeol to put Baekhyun in his car. "Thanks Kris." Chanyeol says. I sigh and quickly turn my back on the sight, walking towards my car. There was the sound of a car starting and footsteps.

"Sehun!!" Kris calls out. I don't stop walking until I reach my car. My hand reaches the door handle only to have Kris close the door. "What are you doing?" He asks, with a tight grip on my arm I look down and away from Kris. "Leave me alone Kris." I say softly. He lets go of my arm and I quickly jump into the driver's seat. Kris backs away and I pull out of my parking spot. He's still there when I leave the school grounds.

"Fuck." I groan.

Chanyeol's POV

"Hey baby." A voice says from behind me. I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. I close my locker and turn around. Jungkook was standing there grinning at me. "What do you want?" I ask, bored and annoyed that he was here. "What? I can't say hi to my boyfriend before class starts?" Jungkook says innocently.

I roll my eyes and look down for a brief moment. My eyes fall onto the blood that was on his swollen hand. "What happened?" I ask. Jungkook lifts up his hand and flexes his fingers. "Just a little mishap." He says, smirking. I frown. "With who?" I ask, worried. "You know, the guy who you apparently cheated on me with. But don't worry, I injured him pretty well so he shouldn't come into our lives anymore."

My blood begins boiling at his words. "You hurt Baekhyun?" I ask, my voice deep. Jungkook nods happily. I shove him out of the way and rush to the nurses room. I open the door and see Kris, Sehun, and the nurse talking. Why is Kris here?

"His mom is out of town for work and his dad doesn't live with them." Sehun tells the nurse. "Then what do you suggest?" The nurse asks him. Sehun looks at Baekhyun before I speak up. "I'll take him." All three look up at me. "I don't think that's a good idea." Kris says walking between Sehun and I.

I frown. "I'm a senior. I can miss class. Sehun you can't." I say. Kris looks back at Sehun who is silent for a minute before nodding. "Let him." Sehun says sadly. I walk over as Kris and Sehun move. I slide my arms under his legs and back to carry him bridal style.

Out of the nurse's office, I carry Baekhyun out to my car. Kris comes up beside me and opens the car door for me. I nod at him as I lay Baekhyun down. "Thanks Kris." I close the door and then walk around to climb into the drivers seat. Kris and Sehun had moved, so I back up and drive home.

At a red light I look back at Baekhyun. His face was bruised and bloody. "I'm sorry baby." I whisper, as if he could hear me. "I'm sorry this had to happen."

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