Chapter 26: Why Didn't He Tell Me?

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Baekhyun's POV

It was Saturday morning. I roll over on my bed and see a body stretched out on my bed. The hair color wasn't Chanyeol's so I sit up and try to see the face. Luhan. I yawn and look around. Kyungsoo was laying on the floor in a sleeping bag. What? How did that happen? I sit there blinking for a minute before it comes to me. Oh yeah. Kyungsoo and Luhan had slept over last night.

I lay back down and sigh. Next to me, Luhan rolls over and looks up at me. "Hey Baek." He mutters. "Hi." I say back to him. Luhan yawns and buries his head back into the pillow. I hear shuffling on the floor and I look over the side of my bed.

Kyungsoo was rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "Good morning." I chirp. Kyungsoo looks up at me and half-hearted waves at me. I sit up and Luhan groans. "What time is it?" He asks. I glance at the clock next to me and say, "10:30."

Luhan lets out another loud groan. "Why am I awake?!" He yells muffled into the pillow. I laugh and climb out of bed. "I'm going to get breakfast. Help yourselves to whatever." I tell them, as I walk out of my room and downstairs. I make the way into kitchen and open the fridge. As I look into the fridge, I feel my stomach tighten up and I quickly close the fridge.

I run to the bathroom and close the door. I feel myself gag and my stomach seems to end up in the toilet. My eyes water as I dry heave over the toilet. I close my eyes as I flush the toilet and lay on the ground. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Sehun.

To THE Sehun:
I need you. Help me. 😭

I shiver as my throat tightens again. I close my eyes and cover my face with my arms, trying to even out my breathing. About ten minutes later, I hear my front door creak open and close. There were footsteps and then I hear the bathroom door open.

I open my eyes to see Sehun crouching down above me. "Hi." I say quietly. Sehun sits down and helps me sit up. "What happen Baek?" I lean against him and sigh. "I just opened the fridge and I felt sick." I tell him. Sehun's hand rests on my back and he slowly rubs my back.

"Have you been eating?" He asks. I nod my head. "I try to at least." I admit. Sehun pulls me into his arms and stands up with me in his arms, bridal style. He carries me out into the living room and sets me down on the couch. "Can I get you some water?" Sehun asks. I nod and curl into a ball on the couch.

Sehun pats my leg and walks into the kitchen and just as he does so, Kyungsoo and Luhan come downstairs. "Hey what happened?" Luhan asks. I sigh. "I felt sick and I threw up." I tell them both. Both of them frown and sit down on the floor next to the couch where I was. "Who's here? I heard a voice." Kyungsoo says.

"Sehun came by." I say, looking at Luhan. The deer perks up and stands up. "Do you need anything from the kitchen?" He asks. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Go see him." I tell the older male. Luhan bounds off into the kitchen to find Sehun.

"They're an interesting couple." Kyungsoo comments. I nod my head. "Yeah. They really are." I agree. Kyungsoo stands up and sits on the couch by my feet. "How's your relationship with Chanyeol?" He asks. I roll onto my back, my knees propped up and resting against the back of the couch. "We're good. Why?"

Kyungsoo sighs and glances at the floor. "Kyungsoo... what happened?" I ask, nervously. Kyungsoo bites his lip and sighs. "Kai told me that he got kicked out of his house the other day." He says. I frown. "What?" I sit up and my head starts to spin. Reaching out, I grab the back of the couch and close my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask Kyungsoo, as I lay back down. "Apparently his mom had texted him during class and said that he was kicked out." He explained. "Who was kicked out?" Sehun asks as he and Luhan come back into the living room. Sehun hands me a glass of water and lays a cold rag on my forehead.

"Thanks Sehun." I say, taking a sip of the water. "Your welcome." He says as he sits down on the floor next to my head. Luhan sits down on his lap and lays his head against Sehun's shoulder. "Now who got kicked out?" Sehun asks again. "Chanyeol got kicked out of his house." Kyungsoo explains to them. Sehun frowns. "Wait what?"

"How do you know this Kyungsoo?" Luhan asks. Kyungsoo leans back against the couch. "Kai told me last night." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sehun and Luhan exchange a glance. "Wait.. Kai? Why would he know?" Luhan asks.

"Kai and Chanyeol grew up together. They've been childhood friends." Kyungsoo explains to the clueless deer. I just chuckle at Luhan's shocked face. "Surprised Luhan?" I ask. Luhan nods his head before laying down against Sehun.

Kyungsoo just shakes his head. "Can I finish what I was saying?" He asks. "Go ahead." Sehun says. Kyungsoo nods. "Anyways apparently, during class, Chanyeol got a text saying that his mom kicked him out of the family." I stare at Kyungsoo in shock. "Why?!" I exclaim. Kyungsoo shrugs. "All I know is that and that Kai is letting him stay at his house."

I sit up and stand up as well. Kyungsoo instantly stands up as well and grabs my arm. "Baek." He says. I shake my head and free my arm from his grasp. "I need to go." I say. Why would Chanyeol not tell me this? I wonder as I climb up the stairs. I stumble into my room and grab my phone. I unlock it and quickly dial Chanyeol's number.

I wait for a while before he picks up."Hey Baekkie what's up?" His deep voice comes through the phone. "Hey are you busy right now?" I ask him. "No I'm not. What's wrong?" He asks. I smile as I hear his voice become worried. "I'm fine. I just want you to come over and visit." I say.

Chanyeol's deep laughter came through the phone. "Okay, I'll come over now." He says. I smile at his words. "Yay!! Thanks Channie!!" I cry out. Chanyeol laughs again before we hang up. I set my phone down and sit on my bed.

"Do you really think he'll tell you?" I jump at the sound of Sehun's voice. I look over to see that he was standing in the doorway. "He's my boyfriend." I say, scooting back on my bed. Sehun sighs and comes in, sitting down next to me. "Baek, you found out about it from Kyungsoo. He knew before you did." Sehun points out. I frown and bite my lip.

"I didn't think about that." I whisper. Sehun wraps his arm around my shoulders. "It'll be okay Baek." He says. I lay my head down on his shoulder. "I hope so at least. I hope."

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