Chapter 27: Time For A Break

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Baekhyun's POV

The doorbell rings about five minutes later. I get up and walk downstairs with Sehun behind me. "Do you want us to leave?" Luhan asks. I turn to look at the three of my friends that were standing at the base of the stairs. "Just go into the spare bedroom." I tell them. Sehun takes Kyungsoo and Luhan's arms and drags them to the bedroom.

I take a deep breath and open the door. "Hey Channie!!" I exclaim. Chanyeol smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Hey Baekkie." He replies, nuzzling his face into my hair. "Why did you need me to come?" He asks. I pull back from the hug. "What I can't just hang out with my boyfriend?" I ask.

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow before shaking his head. "Whatever come on." He says, leading me to my living room. We sit down and I curl up against his chest on his lap. "Chanyeol?" I say after we get comfy. "Yeah?" He says. His chest vibrating from his voice.

Should I do this?? No. Wait, yes I should. That would've been weird if I didn't say anything after getting his attention. I would sound  like a stalker. "Baekkie!!" Chanyeol shakes my shoulder and I jump. "Sorry what?" I ask, turning to face him. Chanyeol sighs and moves me so that I'm straddling him, my knees on either side of his hips. "You said my name and then just spaced out." Chanyeol says.

He reaches up and slides his thumb across my bottom lip. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yeah I'm fine." Chanyeol frowns. "Baekkie." He says. I shake my head and bury my face into his neck. "Just forget it." I tell him. I feel Chanyeol sigh and he starts to rub my back. We sit like that for a few minutes until I hear Chanyeol's phone go off.

Chanyeol shuffles as he pulls out his phone. I feel his body tense up before he completely sighs. "Baek?" He says. I pull back and look at him. "Yeah?" I ask. Chanyeol puts his phone down and places his hands on my hips again. "You were gonna ask me about Friday weren't you?" Oh shit. I feel my face pale so I look down at my hands to avoid looking at Chanyeol's face.

"Baby... Kai told me that Kyungsoo told you." He says. KYUNGSOO!!! You will not see the light of the day tomorrow!!! I rage in my head. Chanyeol's fingers run under my chin before he tilts my head up towards him. "Go and ask your question." He says. I sigh and sit up, very noticeably grinding against Chanyeol's hips. He grunts and closes his eyes for a minute.

"Sorry." I tell him. His eyes open again and he smiles. "It's fine." He says. "So your question?" He adds. I nod and sigh. "I just wanted to know why you wouldn't tell me? I knew you weren't telling me the truth yesterday, but why did I have to find out from Kyungsoo?" I get out.

Chanyeol sighs. "Baekkie I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you with my issues, so just told Kai. I didn't expect him to go and tell Kyungsoo." I nod again. "That makes sense." He didn't want to bother me? I'm his boyfriend!! I look up at Chanyeol through my lashes. "Do you not trust me?" I ask softly. Chanyeol instantly shakes his head.

"No baby I trust you so so much. It's just-" He starts. "It's just what? Am I not good enough to know what goes on in your life?" I interrupt him. I stand up off of him and start pacing around my living room. "Chanyeol I'm your boyfriend. You're suppose to trust me. I'm suppose to take care of you!!" I cry out.

Chanyeol stands up and tries to grab me, but I just wiggle out of his reach. "Baek please don't say that." He says. I close my eyes in an attempt to clear my head. This is so pathetic. I'm so stupid. Why am I doing this?

I let out a scream and threw the closest thing to me, which happened to be a lamp against the wall. My body gives out and I collapsed down onto my hands and knees, reaching up and gripping my hair. Chanyeol quickly bends down next to me and pulls me onto his lap removing my hands from my hair.

"Baekkie." He says tightly hugging me. I was tightly gripping Chanyeol's shirt and shaking.  You're so stupid Baekhyun. No wonder Chanyeol never told you. You're weak. You're fat. You're worthless. I let out a strangled cry and start gripping my hair again. I could hear Chanyeol saying something but I couldn't make out a word he was saying.

I was gasping for air as I feel my throat tighten up. GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!!! Chanyeol OBVIOUSLY doesn't need you.

Sehun's POV

I frown when I hear the glass shatter. "What was that?" Luhan asks from his position on my lap. "I don't know." I answer. "I should go check on him." I say. "No." Kyungsoo says. "Give them time." He tells us when we look over at him. "Kyungsoo. He just had a panic attack from seeing food. Glass just broke and I can hear him screaming. You want me to just 'give them time'?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?" I shout.

Luhan scrambles off my lap when I start yelling as well. I stand up and quickly leave the spare room Baekhyun had us go to. I hurry downstairs to see Chanyeol on the floor holding Baekhyun who was gasping for air and tightly gripping his hair. I rush over and kneel down next to them. "Baek." I say placing my hand onto his shoulder.

The emotional male opens his eyes and looks up at me. His eyes were red and he was shaking. "Get out." He whispers. I frown and Baekhyun stands up. "Get out." He says. I stand up as well and look at him. "Baekhyun." I start. "Get out Sehun. Please." He cries. I watch as he looks over at Chanyeol as well. "I need you to go as well."

Chanyeol stands up and steps towards him. "Baekhyun you're not okay right now I'm not leaving you." He says. I nod in agreement. "Sehun Chanyeol, please I need you both to leave." Baekhyun asks softly, holding his arms against his body. Sighing I nod. "Okay. I'll go get the others." I say.

Baekhyun's POV

Sehun walks back upstairs and I look over at Chanyeol. "Leave." I say. He doesn't hide the hurt expression on his face. "You're not stable Baekkie." He says softly. I laugh a little and hug myself tighter. "Please I already know that. When have I ever been stable?" I ask out loud. "All my life I've been abused by my dad at home and then at school because of Jungkook, Suga and Jin."

"When have I ever been stable?" I ask again. I chuckle as I stumble backwards. There are footsteps and I look up to see Sehun walking down. Behind him, Kyungsoo and Luhan were looking at Chanyeol and I. "What are you doing here?" I hear Chanyeol ask.

"We were here for a sleepover but then it went all chaotic." Luhan says. Sehun shakes his head and pulls the two of them to the front door. I lean back against the wall, close my eyes, and slide down it as I hear the three of them leave. I could still feel Chanyeol's presence standing above me.

"I need you to leave as well." I say without opening my eyes. "Why should I?" I hear him ask. I open my eyes and gaze up at him.

"Chanyeol, we need a break."

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