Chapter 30: It'll Be Okay

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Four months later

Sehun's POV

Word got around school and the city that Baekhyun had killed himself. Classmates gave us pity for our loss. I, myself, had been a mess, but Luhan was there to help me and so I was able to keep my grades up and kept being social. Kai had been struggling with keeping Chanyeol from falling apart. The giant had lost it and isolated himself from everyone.

Kai didn't know how to deal with Chanyeol when the giant kept trying to join his deceased lover. At Baekhyun's funeral, Chanyeol and I had spoken. We both were a mess but I don't think Chanyeol couldn't handle it.

The poor guy had left the room and Kai said that he had found Chanyeol outside in the yard crying. With Baekhyun's death, we didn't just lose him but we also lost a part of us, especially Chanyeol. Which is why Kai has decided for everyone to gather at Chanyeol's house for a party.

"Come on Channie!!! We need to get you dressed."  I hear from Kai as he walks upstairs. "Poor guy." Luhan says. I nod and look around the living room. I was next to Luhan and Tao was next to him with Kris by his side. Kyungsoo, Lay and Lay's new boyfriend and the new friend to our group, Suho.

"Should I go help him?" I ask to no one directly. "Yeah I would." Kyungsoo says. I look over at him. I feel bad for the male. Kai is so preoccupied with Chanyeol that he had seemingly pushing Kyungsoo off to the side. "Okay." I say. I stand up and head over to the stairs. When I get to the top of the stairs and walk into Chanyeol's room, I stand there and watch as Kai tries to pull Chanyeol out of bed.

"No." Chanyeol groans. Kai rolls his eyes and leaves the room for a minute.
"See what you've got." He tells me. I sigh and look over at Chanyeol. He had dyed his hair black so that he could express his feelings about losing Baekhyun. "Chanyeol please." I say quietly. Chanyeol looks over at me. "You're acting like he isn't gone." He growls.

I stare at Chanyeol in shock. Quickly I stand up and go to the side of his bed, my hand quickly coming down and slapping his arm. "Park Chanyeol you are NOT the only one who has lost someone here!! Baekhyun was my BEST FRIEND!!! I miss him so damn much!!!" I yell at him.

Chanyeol sits up and throws his legs over the side of the bed. "Like I just said-" Chanyeol growls, standing up and getting in my face, "you're acting like he isn't gone." I shove Chanyeol out of my face. "What do you expect me to do? Just mope around and act like Baekhyun's just going to walk through the door any second now?!" I ask him angrily

"No Chanyeol. There is no way in hell that I would EVER forget about my best friend. He was practically my brother. I suffered along side of him. "He was the only person I had before I met Luhan. As hard as it is to accept that my best friend is never coming back, I have to." I pause and take a deep breath.

"Chanyeol-" I say, my voice softer now. "Baekhyun wouldn't want you to sit around pinning for him. He would want you to go out and enjoy the world." I tell him. Chanyeol sits back down on his bed and covers his face in his hands. I sit down next to him and hug him. "I just miss him so much." He whimpers. I nod to myself. "I do too." I say softly. Footsteps come into the room and I turn my head to see Kai.

He walks over and sits down on the other side of Chanyeol. "It's okay Chan." He says to his friend. Chanyeol lifts up his head and nods slightly. He uses his hand to rub his face. Kai wraps his arms around Chanyeol's neck and pulls him into a rough hug. "Breath my friend." He says to Chanyeol. I chuckle as I stand up.

Kai pulls Chanyeol up and pats his back. "Now come on. There's a party downstairs and Tao is starting to get annoyed with not being able to eat." Chanyeol laughs and walks out of his room. Kai wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk out of the room together behind Chanyeol.

"Thank you." He whispers to me as we walk downstairs. "For what?" I ask frowning. Kai smiles and moves his arm as we reach the bottom stair. "Look at him." Kai says. I look over to see Chanyeol laughing and talking with Kris and Luhan. "A week ago, we wouldn't have been able to do get him on his feet. His been mourning and moping around." Kai tells me.

"Sehun." He says. I look over at him. "I don't know what I would've done if Chanyeol left us too. We almost lost him." Kai says. I nod remembering the frantic phone call from Kai from the hospital at 2 am.

"I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT BAEKHYUN!!" Chanyeol had yelled at both of us.

"He seems better now." I tell Kai, who nods. "He does a little." He agrees before slapping me on the back. "Now come on lets go eat some food!!" Kai yells out running towards the living room. I laugh and follow him as our friends cheer loudly.

I walk over and Luhan comes to my side. "Will he be okay?" He asks. I look down at him and nod. "He'll be just fine." I tell the deer. Luhan smiles. "Will you be okay?" He asks seriously. I look over at Chanyeol once again to see him stuffing his face with food. I look down at Luhan who was peering up at me with his soft eyes. I press our lips together for a second before pulling apart.

"Yes." I answer.

"I'll be okay."

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