Ch. 9 ~ He really cares (4 reals this time)

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          Daniel looked around, looking for the first place to run. He didn't know who it could be. Right as he spotted a place he could hide behind, he heard someone reach the top step.
          "Daniel" David's soft voice called out to Daniel. Daniel made an attempt to stand up. Seeing David threw him off and he failed. He looked into David's eyes. "I'm sorry.." David said quietly.
          "I thought you wanted me gone.." Daniel frowned and looked away. David approached him and kneeled down.
          "I was just scared..." David sighed. "You can't hurt those kids..."
          "Why are they so important ?" Daniel said with an honest tone of confusion. David laughed. Daniel looked away then back at David. "Did I say something funny?"
          "Sometimes you can be as oblivious as I am..." He sighed again. "They're important because I love them.."
          "That doesn't make sense... why do you love them? They don't love you!"
          David smiled. "You don't need a reason to love something." Daniel blushed a little. The tone in David's voice and the way he looked at him.. made Daniel think he was talking about himself.
          "You don't..?"
          "I guess..." David hugged Daniel. He laughed a bit. "I'm sorry for saying all of that."
          Daniel hesitated. "It's fine.." he hugs David back. "I thought you hated me"
          "I still don't know how I feel.."
          "I understand..." Daniel sighed.
          David layed his hand on Daniel's cheek. Their eyes met and locked.
          "I don't want you to feel that way.." He paused. "I want you to feel happy."
          Daniel smiled weakly. "You do?"
          "Of course.. maybe if you have someone to make you happy.. you won't be so sad and mean all of the time!"
          "I'm.. mean, yes." Daniel couldn't help but let another tear slip down his cheek as he pulled his knife without realising. He realised.. he really was a bad person. He held the knife to David's back.
          "Kill me.." David closed his eyes and smiled bright. He whiped Daniel's tear. "It's Okay..." Daniel froze. He didn't know what to do or what he was doing.
          David wrapped his arms around Daniel and held him tight. Another tear formed in his eye. He held his knife tight for another second, then dropped it. He hugged David back.
          "Okay..." David said, slightly shocked that Daniel changed his mind. David pulled out of the hug and lifted Daniel's face. "Listen.."
          Daniel was listening. David was at a loss for words and acts suddenly. He leads into Daniel and his lips press against Daniel's. Daniel kissed back. They went along with it.
          David was about to pull away but changed his mind when he noticed how happy Daniel was. Daniel ran his fingers through David's hair and smiled. Maybe it really was okay. Daniel pulled back. He felt.. relieved.
          "I promise you'll be okay" David held Daniel's hand and stood up. Daniel accepted the help and stood up as well. They both silently walked outside and got into the boat. Halfway back to the camp Daniel leaned over and kissed his cheek. He truly felt, happy.


          Daniel woke up in David's bed. He looked around and saw David sitting up on the edge of his bed. David turned and looked at Daniel.
         "You're awake!" He smiled
         "yeah.. what happened?" Daniel put his and over his forehead. David stood up.
          "You don't remember?" He looks away. "Oh well." He walks to the other side of the cabin and laughs. He paces up and down the cabin.
          "David. Are you okay?"
          "Huh?" He stops and sits at the bottom of the bed. "yeah.. I'm fine"
          "David.." Daniel moved down and sat next to David. He held David's hand and smiled slightly.  David looked at Daniel silently.
          Daniel kissed him. They realised that no matter what hurt them, they would have each other.

          There was a sudden knock on the door and they flinched. David stood up and walked to the door. He opened it and there he saw, max.
          Max was holding his teddy bear close, trying to make sure nobody else sees. He was hiding tears forming in his eyes.
          "Max? Whats wrong?" David squatted down to see max better.
          Max revealed the bear completely. The head had been ripped off and the stuffing inside was falling out in small pieces. David gasped. Max handed it to David.
          David took the bear and set it on the bed.
          "What do I do." David mumbled.
          Daniel walked up with a sewing kit. Max walked inside and stood next to David.
          "I got this" Daniel smiles and begins to stitch up the bear.
          "How do you know how to stitch things?" Max asked.
          "Uhhhmm, nothing, I just, ya know, do." Daniel said and sped up the sewing.
          "Max, how did it rip?" David asked max and set his hand on Max's shoulder.
          "Who?" Daniel looked up.
          "A camper." David answered.
          "I see.. hm.." Daniel tied the end and finished. "Done." He handed the bear back fo Max.
          "Thanks.." Max took the bear. He headed back to the door and stopped.  "Wait." He looked at Daniel, then at David. "Are you two.. dating?"
          Daniel and David blushed.
          "I- I guess.." David answers Max and covers one side of his face with his hand.
          "Why not, heh" Daniel shrugged.
          "Having two dads sounds.. fun?" Max laughed a little and ran out.

          "Dads?!" Daniel shouted by accident. David giggled.
          "Yeah I.. I agreed to be his dad... since his parents.." David paused for a moment and sighed. "They don't care about him."
          Daniel frowned. "Oh.." He walked outside. "Stay here, David."

Sunshine {Danvid} (Dadvid) // [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now