Ch. 10 ~ I'm.. scary

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          Daniel made his way outside. He stopped by all of the tents and asked where 'Nurf' was. He finally found him. The large boy with red hair. He grinned at daniel.
          "Haven't I seen you somewhere?" Nurf grumbled.
          Daniel grabbed Nurf by the neck and held him up. He smiled. Nurf was trembling. He reached for one of his many knives.
          "So," Daniel laughed a bit trying to keep it together. "You ripped Max's bear, huh?" He tightened his grip.
          "N-no!" Nurf lied. Daniel tightened his grip more.
          "Lying, are we?" Daniel was about to loose it. "We don't want tha-"
          "FINE! I RIPPED IT!" Nurf coughed. Daniel through him down. He pulled his weird knife and laughed.
          "Well, you made the kiddo sad," He glared at Nurf and held his knife up. ", and you know that that means!" He almost swung the knife. He was stopped by a few gasps. He looked around and saw David and a few campers. Max whiped a tear from his eye and turned with a quiet 'hmph'.
          "DANIEL!" David shouted and ran over to the two guys. "YOU CAN'T KILL CAMPERS!" he paused. "Even if they're... mean."
           "Heh.." Daniel turned around and grabbed David. He pulled him close and kissed him in front of everyone. "Sorry babe, this one's got to go." Gasps from the whole camp rose. Everyone was shocked. Max smiled and realised he did. He quickly frowned again.
          "DANIEL" David shreeked and covered his red face. "N- Not in front of the campers...!"
          "Hm~.." Daniel looked down at the camper, Nurf, almost in tears from fear. "Am I that.. scary..?!" Daniel dropped his knife. David gripped Daniel's shoulder.
          "No.." David thought about what to say. Max flinched. Was Daniel breaking down? "Daniel.."
          "Hah.." Daniel was breathing rapidly. "I'm--" He started to cry. "You're right, David." He felt David's arms wrap around him. A voice from the croud of campers whispered "gaaaaay"
          Max approached the two and hugged their legs. He started to cry quietly..
          "David.. Daniel......Dads..." He said, sniffling. "Let's go..." Max reached for David's hand. Once he hrabbed a hold of it, he dragged him back to his cabin. Daniel hesitated, but followed anyways.
          David took Daniel to the bed.
          "Here.. Daniel.." David gestured for Daniel to lay down. After doing so, Daniel smiled. He knew he loved David. He knew he loved Max and wanted him to he his son. He knew that he wanted to be a family.
          Like the one he never had.

Sunshine {Danvid} (Dadvid) // [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now