Where everything went wrong

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Archie's pov
My mom left yesterday night and then this morning my dad is going on a business trip to get more tools and etc. I start to load stuff into the bed of his truck. "What time will you be back?" I say lifting a suitcase into the truck. Then a fishing pole and tackle box. "I should be back into riverdale at 12:00 pm but I'm going fishing before I go home so, maybe around 2:00 pm." He said opening the drivers door. "Ok, bye dad." I say. "Bye Archie." He hugs me and turns around. Just then I hear a gunshot and my dad is laying on the side walk bleeding. "DAD!" I yell. I hurry to the ground and hold pressure to the gunshots wound. "Archie" he whispers in pain to me. I look around to see who shot him or to look for help. I pick him up and lay him in the back seat. I climb up into the driver seat and speed to the hospital.
I get to the hospital and semi carry him in. "Help my dads been shot." I yell once I get into the doors. "Get a gurney." I heard a nurse shout. Nurses and a doctor rush him away. Police asked me questions. After they finished with that I pulled out my phone.

Veronica's pov
It was maybe 8:00 am am sleeping when I hear my phone ring. I pick it up and answer it with out looking at the name.
*panicked heavy breathing* "Archie?" I say groggy. "Ronnie!" I hear him say panicked. "Archie what's wrong?" I grow more worried. "My dads been shot!" In shocked. "I'll be at the hospital soon! I'll text jughead and Betty." I say worried. "Hurry! Love you." He says. "Ok I will. Love you bye."

I hung up and got dressed and ready. I left a note on the counter for my mom and texted jughead and Betty.
When I got to the hospital Betty and jughead were right behind me. I saw Archie pacing. "Archie." I say softly hold up my arms. I hugged him then Betty and jughead joined. They released and Archie clung on to me a little longer. I looked up to him and kissed him. We all sat down on the waiting chairs. "What happened?" Jughead asked. "I don't know. I was saying goodbye, and a shot came out of nowhere." Archie explained. "I'm so sorry Archie." I say grabbing his hand. "You were right Ronnie." Archie's says. I start to get confused. "Right about what?" I ask softly. "Riverdale is falling apart."
A doctor comes out. Archie stands up quickly. "Your dad is in critical condition. He lost a lot of blood. His surgery is going to take a while. You should go home a get some rest and come back tomorrow." The doctor says. "Ok." Archie says sadly. The doctor goes back. "Me and Betty and Veronica will stay the night with you." Jughead says. We all walk out into the parking lot and jughead go into one car and me and Archie go into the truck. I look in the back seat and it's covered in blood. "I'm so sorry Archie." I say looking back at him. "I'm feel a little better now that you're here." I look at Archie in awe, because all that we're going through he still manages to make me smile. I kiss Archie on the cheek and he drives to his house.
When I get to Archie's house I go straight to the bathroom. I start looking in the cabinets. "Ronnie what are you looking for?" Archie says standing in the door way. "Hydrogen peroxide." I say still looking. "It's in the bottom cabinet, why?" He says looking confused. "Thanks." I grab the bottle of peroxide and a role of paper towel. I walk out side with Archie following me. I swing open the car door. "Seriously, Ronnie what are you doing?" He says being even more confused. I hoisted my self onto the ledge of the truck. I pour a lot of peroxide onto the blood stain in the back seat of the truck. I start to rub it with paper towel. I feel Archie right behind me. I kept scrubbing till it was almost completely gone. "Veronica." Archie yells from me behind me. "What!" I yell turning around still standing on the truck. "You don't need to do that." He's says looking around me. "Yes I do, you shouldn't have to live with the fact that your dad got shot right in front of you. I need to do it, because I love you. I went through hell when I found out you were shot. It has to be ten times worse for you." Archie walks towards me and hugs me. I hug him back and don't let go.  He picks me up off the truck. "I love you too." Archie whispers. He sets me on the ground. "I'll be ok as long as I have you." He said as I looked up at him. "Come on let's go inside it's cold out here." Archie puts his arm around me and we walk inside. "Is everything ok out there?" Betty asks as we walk through the door. "Yep." I say looking up at Archie.
The rest of the night we just watched tv and talked some. We picked up stuff from our houses so we could stay the night at Archie's house, but after that we sat in the living room. "I only have one spare bedroom. So we need to double up." Archie says. "Me and V can share a bedroom and then jughead can sleep on the air mattress in your room." Betty's says standing up. "Sounds like a plan." I say getting up standing next to Betty. We all go up to the rooms me and Betty get ready for bed then sit in the bed together and we talk for an hour or so. We try to sleep, but we can't. "Do you want me to go get jughead and I'll sleep with Archie." I ask her, because I know that we both feel unsafe. "Yeah." I get up and walk across the hall. "Jughead." I whisper because Archie's sleeping. "Go sleep with Betty." He gets up and closes the door behind him. I climbed over Archie and scoot close to him. He looks at me for a second and shuts his eyes and raps his arm around me.

Archie's pov
Archie's dream
Me and jughead and walking down an isle at a wedding (Archie's the groom) in kilts. Once we get to the end, I stand and wait. Brides maid come down and Betty's the maid of honor. Finally Veronica comes down. She stands next to me and smiles. I see someone behind her holding up a gun. My faces drops. She looks behind her. It all happened so fast. Veronica was she was shot.
I yell sitting up. I start breathing fast. "Archie I'm right here." She said rubbing my back. I rest my forehead on hers. She cups my face in her hands and kisses me. I kiss her back. I try to slip my hands under her shirt. She pushes her shirt back down "Not tonight. Your upset it wouldn't be right." She says resting her forehead back on mine. "I'm sorry. Right now you need me to be here emotionally not physically." She says looking at me. "No, your right." I say realizing she's right. "I'm always right." She says laughing a bit. I smile at her. We hug for a bit and we lay back down. She lays her head on my chest. I kiss her on her head and we go back to sleep.

So how do you like this chapter. I feel like this chapter is a lot better than my last one. I was going to update yesterday when I got home from the fair, but I ended up leaving early because I felt like I was going to throw up so my mom had to come pick me up and the feeling never went away.  But anyways I hope you like this chapter, now I'm kinda on the season two plot. Byeeeee

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