All we need is each other

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Veronica pov
I wake up at like 12:30 ish, because the car had stopped. I wake and Archie's taking off his seat belt. "Sorry I feel asleep. I'm still so tired." I say. "It's fine jughead and Betty slept the whole way." He tells me. I laugh and shake Betty awake. "What the hell Veronica." Jughead snaps. "Sorry, who pissed your Cereal this morning." I snap back. "Well we're here." Archie says breaking up the tension. I get out of the car and go to get our bags. Betty and jughead get to the trunk first and get their stuff out. "Burr, I'm so cold." And say jumping a little. Archie come up and hugs me and I stick my hands in his pocket. "B, can you please try to hurry." I say. "Yeah I'm sorry" she says grabbing her bag.
As soon as I get my bag and quickly head to the door. Archie unlocks the door and lets us in. "Archiekins it's huge in here." I say walking in. "This used to be my grandparents and they were kinda of rich." He says. I nod my head at his reply. "Well I'm so tired I'm gonna go to bed. Are you gonna come archiekins." I ask. "Yeah. Just hold on a sec." He tells me. He grabs both of our bags and starts to walk up stairs. "Let's go." He says throwing his head backwards pointing to the stairs. Once he comes in the room he sets the bags down and flops and the bed next to me. "I'm so tired." I complained. I get up and change as same as Archie. I lay back down and Archie turns on the tv and and the fan and we fall asleep. 

I wake up in the morning to Archie snoring. He doesn't normal snore, but for some reason he is.
I leave him to sleep for a little while longer and go down stairs. I peek into her room and see her on her phone and jughead watching tv. I run up on Betty's bed and lay on her. "Good morning too V?" She says looking at me weird. I lay next to her on the edge of the bed and watch her scroll through Instagram as I lay my head on her shoulder. "What's going on here?" Archie asks standing in the door way. "Oh we're just confirming Beronica." I say laughing. Betty then sets her phone down and kisses me and the cheek. I start laughing as I get up. "That wasn't the first time we've kissed." She says laughing with me. "What!?" The boys day at the same time. Me and Betty look at each other and start laughing. "It's nothing." I say wiping my tears away. I walk over to Archie and kiss his cheek and hug him.
"Today we're all going to the beach ." Betty says. "Agree!" I say. We all change and head out to the beach.

Archie pov
Betty and Veronica are walking in front of me and jughead and I can't help and stare and Ronnie. "Dude, you got to stop staring." Jughead whispers to me. "You don't see me staring at Betty do you?" He says. "Actually yeah I do and it's not very secretive. You may not notice you are, but you are." I whisper back.

After a while of the girl just sitting in the sun I got bored. I went over to visit and picked Veronica up. "Archie what are you doing!? Put me down." She says laughing and pushing on me. I go into the water until we're pretty deep. "Wait a go archiekins I can't even reach now." She says clinging onto me . I kiss her passionately. "I love you to the moon and back Archiekins." She says moving my wet hair around. "I love you more." I say. "Not possible." She says repositioning her self so that her legs were wrapped around my waist. I move my hand under her to hold her up. "Well can we go back so I can actually stand?" She asks me.

After I while at the beach we go back. We all pile back into the car. Veronica puts her tan legs on the dash bored and turned on music.

Veronica's pov
Once we get back we decided to pull out clue. "Haven't we had enough mystery in our life." I complain. "No." Betty says quickly. I laugh a little at the quickness of her answer. "Ok let's play." I say.
We spend an hour playing the game until we all wanted to quit and go out to eat.
We find this cute little dinner down the road and eat there. "This food isn't as nearly as good as pops." Jughead says shoving food in his mouth. "Then how come your eating like you haven't eaten in like a year." Betty asks him. "Food is food." He replies. We all laugh a bit and finish eating.

We feel safe all by our selfs. We don't keep having to look over our shoulder to make sure there isn't a gun pointed at our heads. It's like riverdale is falling apart and no one and glue is back together. But for now and only now all we need is each other to make us feel safe. 

I had I lot of free time to right this chapter, but I feel like this chapter is crap. Please tell me if you like it or not, I will try to make a better chapter next. Omg I so excited for riverdale in 8 days!!! But anyways

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