Kiss me

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Archie's pov
This year is me and Veronica's first Valentine's Day together. Really it's my first Valentine's Day with anyone. I really hope it goes well.

I'm going to head over to the Pembroke, because her mom and dad are on some out of town businesses probably for the sodale project.

I had bought Veronica a dozen red roses, her favorite chocolate, and a framed picture of us. I know it's nothing big, but it's only our first Valentine's Day together and we will have many more to come.

I knock on her apartment door. I can hear her heals click on the ground. The door cracks open and she pops her head through. She pulls me in my my arm.

She pushes me against the door and kisses me. "Well happy Valentine's Day to you." I say stunned. Her apartment is dim and a fire is going.

"Happy Valentine's Day." She says with a big smile. She has a bag neatly done on the counter. She walks over to it grabs it and then sits down.

I then follow and sit down next to her.

Veronica's pov
"I'll open yours first." I said because I want him to open mine last because I'm super excited to give him the one of the things I got him.

He hands me a box of my favorite chocolates and a dozen red roses and a terrible wrapped box.

I tear open the wrapping paper and see a really cute framed picture of us. "Aw Archiekins I love it so much!" I hug him tightly. He was so cute. He may seem like a jock on the outside, but really he's adorable.

"Thank you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Alright you turn." I say handing him a bag.

He opens it and pulls out his favorite cologne. "Ronnie this is my favorite, and mind you expensive that's why I'm almost always out." He says.

"Archiekins is Valentine's Day it's fine." I say with a smile. "Okay the next things is that big, but you now have your own drawer in my dresser." I say smiling.

He kisses me and it turn very heated very quickly. "The nights not over yet." I say stopping the steamy kiss. "You brought your truck right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, why?" I walk behind the counter and grab a picnic basket. "Grab those blankets over there." I say pointing over to a chair.

We load the stuff into the truck and a tell him directions. I'm going take him to this hill right in outside of riverdale where you can see the whole town and the sun set.

We get up to the hill and set up the bed of the truck. I put candles around us and set up the food which was pops, Archie's favorite.

We finish eating then I snuggle up to him. "I love you Ronnie, happy Valentine's Day." He says. " I love you too Archie." I say smiling.

He gets out of the bed of the truck and stands there in his big boot that he has to wear because of his basketball injury. "Babe, What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Come dance with me." He says turning in music from his phone. "You can't dance your in a medical boat." I say.

"Sure I can come on." He says smiling. I get up out of the truck and stand close to him. Kiss me by Ed Sheeran comes on.

I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

And your heart's against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes
But they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
We're falling in love

The night was so romantic. And once we went back to the Pembroke we had a night to remember.

Sorry this chapter is sort, and late. I wanted to post this on Valentine's Day but I didn't have time to finish it. So happy late Valentine's Day. Hopefully there will be a new chapter up soon. Remember to comment and vote. I love seeing the comments. I hope you enjoyed(:

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