You make the worst days better

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Veronica's pov
Your back!?" I ask. "Didn't you miss your father Veronica?" My mom asks me making a face hinting that I'm being rude. My dad comes up to me and hugs me. He releases the hug. I straighten Archie's jacket. "Veronica who's jacket is that?" He asked me looking me up and down. "Archie's." I say sternly. He turns around and looks at my mom. "Isn't that Andrews son?" He asked my mom. "Hiram don't." She commands. "You know how I feel about the Andrews." He tells her getting mad. "Veronica can you go in your room?" My mom asks me politely. "Yeah." I say walking off. You can hear my heals click the whole way. I get in the my room and quickly shut the door and pressed my ear against it.
"Archie is a good guy." I hear her protest. "I don't care." He argues back. "I'm sorry to say, but archie has been there for Ronnie when you weren't." She says. That's when he starts to get angry. "I don't like this." He says sternly. "Hiram, you don't even know the kid." She tells him. "Archie was shot earlier this month, and now his father... his fate is questionable." She says. "Do think I really care." He says coldly. Then my minds starts to race. What if my dad is responsible for Fred's condition. How far would he go. He's very eye for eye so when he found out about my mom and Fred... I don't know who I can trust anymore.

After the yelling fades I get ready for bed. I can not stop thinking about what if he shot fred and possibly Archie. Our relationship would change. I lay in my bed and go on my phone.

Archie's pov
I take off my shirt and put on a pair of shorts. I lay in bed just worrying about my dad. I turn off my lap and lay on my stomach. I lay my face in the sheets. It smells like Veronica. I smile and drift asleep.
I have the same dream I had the previous night about Veronica. I then hear my phone go off. I quickly sit up and look at my phone. It's Veronica trying to FaceTime. I press accept and turn on my lap. "Veronica saved me again." I think to myself. "Hay archiekins." She says quietly but happily. "Hey." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "You look all sweaty. Are you feeling alright." She asks me concerned. "Yeah just a bad dream." I say. "Anything I can help with?" She asks in a caring voice. "No I'm fine." I tell her. "Ok are you sure." She asks. I nod my head. "My dads home." She blurts out. "Really!?" I ask her. "And he's already back to his same old ways." She says with a hint a annoyance in her voice and rolling her eyes. "But anyways are you going to school tomorrow?" She asks tucking her hair behind her ear. "Yeah." I say. "I have such a hot boyfriend." She says sliding down her bed more. "I have the hottest girl ever!" I say laughing a little. I hear her cough. "Are you feeling ok?" I ask her. "Ever sense I got home I haven't been feeling good." She says. "I'm sorry." I say feeling bad that she feels bad.
We talk for another hour and decides it late and we go to bed.

Veronica's pov
I wake up at 6:00 am to get ready for school. Once I wake up I feel a bad burning sensation in my throat and congestion. I feel this overwhelming wave of nausea come over me. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I lean over the toilet and tuck my hair behind my ears. I close the toilet lid and flush it. I lay my head on the lid. "Mija are you ok?" I look over and see my mom standing in the door way of the bathroom wearing her robe. "No I feel terrible." I manage to get out. My throat just burns even more. "You sound terrible. I think you should stay home." She tells me. I shake my head and stand up and walk back to my room. I curl up in a ball and go on my phone to text Betty.


V- sick and not going to school today.
B- I'm sorry I hope you feel better, I'll catch you up on the homework.
V- love ya ❤️
B- love you too 😍😊😘

I shut of my phone and turn off my light and drift asleep.
A couple hours later I hear my parents leave for work or whatever my dad does now a days. I just stay asleep. I sleep until the light comes through the curtains.

Archie's pov
I walk into school and everybody is asking me if I'm ok and that their sorry. I keep walking hoping to see Veronica at her locker, but I see Betty in her locker across from Ronnie's. "Hay Betty, were is Ronnie?" I ask looking around. "She sick, sore throat, coughing, congestion/sneezing, and throwing up." She says with a frown. "I miss V." She says sounding sad. I look at her confused. "Didn't you see her like 24 hours ago?" I ask her. She immediately rolls her eyes at me. "She the V to my B I need to see her at least once a day." She says. I laugh at her and till my eyes. I get on by phone and text Veronica.


A- I heard your sick, I'll miss you today! Hope you feel better!
V- Thank you love you sm ❤️ hope you have a good day at school❤️
A- love you ❤️
V- do you ever notice that we use ❤️ that to much.
A- haha, oh well. Get some sleep.
V- i will ❤️

I laugh a little when she sent the iconic red heart. I shut down my phone and slid it into my back pocket.

"What's so funny?" Betty asks me closing her locker. "Just Ronnie." I say.

After I hit the showers after football practice I start to head home, but then I decided to see Ronnie to see how she's doing.

I reach her apartment and knock on her door.

Veronica's pov
I here a knock at the door around 3:30, and my parents aren't going to be home till 9:00. I get up and put I blanket on over my shoulders. My hair is up in a cute but messy bun, and I'm wearing running shorts and a tee shirt. I didn't look presentable at all, but I didn't really care. I open the door and see Archie standing there. "Archie what are doing her?" I ask him letting him in. "I wanted to see how you were feeling." He says cutely. "I don't look presentable at all. I probablyn look how I feel, which is terrible" I rant. "You look great." He tell me. "Awe archiekins." I say putting my hand on my chest.
He goes to hug me and I put my hand on his chest. "What are you doing, I'm sick. I'll get you sick." I tell him. "I'll be fine, besides I don't care." He tells me. So then he hugs me. We have the prefect height difference. He's like a whole head taller.
I love how he cares so much about me. I've never been this happy with anyone before. I've never had someone care about like Archie does. He makes sure am happy, puts me before him, checks on me when I'm sick.
"Well, I got to go see my dad, I might be back later. Text me." He says then kissing me on the cheek. "Bye." He says opening the door back up. I wave back to him and smile. 

So I'll pick this up with Archie at the hospital with his dad. This is a pretty decent sized chapter. I would have updated yesterday but I was busy all day. And I have school. I go to sleep at 11:00 and wake up at 7:00 and I'm not back until 3:40. I HATE school so much. This is random put I have such bad back and neck pain right, and I don't even know what it's from ugh. I'm such an old woman when it comes to my body, I think it's because am so tall (5"6) and still growing. Or I'm just an old woman. I don't know, but I hope you enjoyed my chapter. I enjoy reading the comments so please comment. And guys I have 1.90 reads that's unreal!!!! Well any ways

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