Chapter 9

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I woke up early, golden beams of sunlight gleamed through the blinds, momentarily blinding me.

I was going to propose to Katniss.

Katniss was still asleep, I slowly wrenched myself out of her arms, I opened the door slowly and crept down the stairs.

I went into the kitchen and packed a picnic. I finished packing it. I ran down to the jewellery store, leaving a note to Katniss saying I was at the bakery.

I looked at the rings, and none caught my eye, I'd decided I'd get her a simple engagement ring, and then a fancier wedding ring, a simple silver band with a relatively small diamond, if she said yes I already knew what I would get. A simple gold band, with the pearl from the quell on it and the words 'Forever and Always' engraved into it.

All I need is for Katniss to say yes.

I walked quickly back to the house and unlocked the door. Katniss was up so I quickly slipped the ring box in my pocket.

She was sitting at the kitchen table munching at some toast.
"Hey" I said
"Oh hi Peeta"
"I thought we could go on a picnic today" I stated
"Sounds fun"

She quickly munched the rest of her food, but I was too excited.

As soon as she was done I grabbed her hand, "Come on"
"God Peeta what's got you so excited?"
"Nothing" I replied a little too quickly.

I take her past the fence and into the forest, it was quite a walk, but eventually we made our way into a large clearing.

"Let's eat" I said putting the basket on the ground. I didn't want to ask her until sunset.

We slowly ate our food, laughing and talking the day away, before I knew it the air was starting to get cold and the sun was going down.

It was now or never.

I helped her to her feet.
I was so nervous.
What if she said no.


I was so scared.

Here it comes.

I got down in one knee and took the ring out

Katniss' mouth was a little open.

Come on Peeta, you can do this.
Just ask her already.

"Katniss Everdeen, I have loved you since the first moment I set eyes on you. We were 5 then, and I've loved you ever since. We've been through good times and bad times, thick and thin. I love you, and I always have loved you. I will love you Forever and Always. Will you marry me?"

Katniss was silent for a moment.

She's going to say no.

Her mouth was still open.

Oh my god, what if she says no, maybe it was too soon, what if I've ruined everything with bad timing.

She flung her arms around me so hard I nearly lost my balance

"Yes Peeta, yes! I'll marry you!" She exclaimed

Oh. My. God.
She. Said. Yes.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" she replied. "Forever and Always"

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