Chapter 32

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The sun shot up the next morning like a blazing bullet, I know this because it woke me up, quite early too. Katniss had her head on my chest, her hair sprawling out unevenly. Her body was curled up next to me, I could feel her chest rise and fall. I could even feel her breathing on my chest. I decided that this moment was too perfect to waste, so I decided to stay where I was. My phone started to vibrate on the bedside table, it was a text from Johanna.

Johanna: hey bread boy, I'm hosting a drinking game thingy tonight, it's in the woods and bring as many people as you can, got that?
Me: what game?
Johanna: 'never ever have I ever'. I'm supplying the booze, just meet up at 8pm at the fence, the loose bit nearest to victors village, Kay?
Me: Sure, I'll ask Katniss when she wakes up, Haymitch might come too. Who's all going so far?
Johanna: me and Liz, Annie and Eva (I know ugh) and then hopefully you and Katniss and Haymitch.
Me: I'll see who else I can get
Johanna: good, or I'll smash your face in with my axe :) just kidding, but seriously get loads of people.

I sent Mollie and Charlie texts asking if they wanted to come too, both agreed (reluctantly) looks like we'd have quite a game.

When Katniss woke I told her and she said it sounded like fun, so I sent a text to Haymitch, he'd get it eventually.


There was quite a turn up, there was me and Katniss, Annie and Eva, Mollie and Charlie, Haymitch and Johanna and Liz.

We made our way into the forest, settling down on a large rug that Mollie had thought to bring, and nibbling away at the food that Eva brought.
"Shit!" Johanna exclaimed "I forgot the alcohol!"
"Well I don't have much at the house" Haymitch moaned
"There's a store in 11" Katniss added, "cheap enough prices"
"Let's go there! Come on Katniss, I'll drive" Johanna said
Katniss quickly kissed me. "See you soon"
"Hopefully with lots of liquor" Haymitch grumbled.

Katniss and Johanna left, they'd be about 30 minutes so we decided to tell different stories about stuff we had done. Liz was telling us a story, of one time she'd gotten 'super drunk' and attacked a security guard. Haymitch was laughing his head off when my phone started to vibrate in my jacket pocket. I fished it out, see an unknown number, I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered
"Hello, is this Peeta Mellark?"
"Um yes, why?"
"Did you hear any stories about the 'RR'"
"The Rebels Resistance? Yeah I've heard of them, do they want me dead or something?" I said, the RR were a group that attacked/killed rebels because they wanted the Capitol to rule us again.
"Well no, they don't want anyone specific dead, just any rebels."
"I saw the thing on TV about it" I stated
"Yeah, they said they'd take action" the guy on the phone told me
"Yeah I heard"

"Well they took action" he informed me "we have reason to believe they crashed into a car 2 minutes ago, the car fell down a long drop meaning the chances of survival are very low. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this-"

Sorry to tell me what? That somebody I never heard of had been in a car crash?
Was he warning me?

"Your wife and Johanna Mason were in that car"

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