Chapter 28

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Katniss and I talked for a while afterwards, but I could tell she was exhausted, she needed her sleep, so I let her fall asleep, before scooping her up and carrying her up the stairs. I lay down on the bed beside her, and I vaguely remember her curling up next to me and wrapping her arms around me, but to be honest I was exhausted too.


I didn't wake up until 10 O' Clock, and that was very late for me, surprisingly Katniss was still asleep. She must have been exhausted.

I sat there watching her, she looked so peaceful sleeping, her hair sprawled out across the pillow, her breathing deep and even, she looked happy and relaxed.

I quit stalker mode and padded into the bathroom for a quick shower, grabbing a towel I walked out of the bathroom planning on getting something comfortable to wear, Katniss was up now, still lying in the bed.

"Hey" she whispered

"Hi" I replied sitting down next to her and giving her a quick kiss

"What time is it?" she asked

"Just after 10"

"What! How on earth did I sleep for that long?"

"Well, you were pretty tired last night"

"Oh" she answered "Do you wanna do something today?" She asked

"Yeah, like what?"

"We could go for a walk into town, see who we meet" she suggested.

"Sure, it's a date" I replied

Katniss got dressed sluggishly, and I was changed long before she was, I went downstairs and put some bread in the toaster.

Katniss was rummaging about in the fridge pulling out a jug of orange juice and pouring a couple of glasses, she sung some song that I'd never heard, the lyrics were unfamiliar, but I still loved it. Katniss is a great singer, I remember back when I was 5, her singing is what made me fall in love with her. I smiled at the memory. She walked over with the glasses of juice, now humming the song, we quickly ate and drank our juice, leaving the house, we walked down to the town square, bumping into Johanna and Liz.

"Hey" Johanna chirped

"Hey Jo" Katniss replied "you two look kind of cute together"

Liz laughed, "so do you guys! well for hetero anyway"

Johanna grabbed Liz's butt when she thought no one was looking, but I think everyone was, don't get me wrong, they ARE cute together, but to do something like that in public is certainly. . . Brave.

"Well we'll see you guys later" johanna said, putting her arm around Liz and kissing her.

"Bye" Liz called out

"See you later" I replied

"You think they're cute?" I asked Katniss.

"Yeah, it's nice to see Johanna happy for once, even if she feels the need to grabs Liz's ass in public" she replied

Katniss was right, Johanna had changed from the girl that I knew in the Capitol, the one with the cell next to me, and I was happy, so it was only fair she was too, I guess they were 'cute'

Maybe everyone was going to get their happy ending, Katniss and I had ours, I mean Katniss is pregnant, I still get giddy with excitement everytime I think of the word pregnant, and Johanna was happy.

Haymitch, well I don't know, I haven't seen him recently, we'll call round

"We should go see Haymitch tomorrow" I said

"Yeah, we haven't seen him in ages" she replied

I put my arm around her, kissing the top of her head "I love you" I told her

"I love you too, forever and always"

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