Chapter 24

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Katniss sat on top of the kitchen counter munching away at a piece of toast. Wearing her pale pink dressing gown, her hair falling in waves down her back. I can't believe I'm married to her. I used to dream about one day getting her to notice me, I dreamed about us dating, getting married. But I knew none of it would never happen. But it did. I, Peeta Mellark am married to Katniss eventually after years of dreaming about it, it actually happened.

I am so lucky.
"What are you doing?" Katniss asks quizzically
"Who me? Um nothing" I answered quickly.
"Who do you think I meant?" She asks
"I don't know, I was just daydreaming"
"Oh" she replies, walking over and grabbing my hand.
I squeezed her hand, feeling the cool of her ring.
"Do you want to go out to the woods?" I asked her "you haven't gotten the chance to go hunting in ages"
"Yeah sure, you could come" she suggested.
"Well... I don't know, I might scare away prey" I mumbled
"You won't, come on, it'll be fun"
"Oh, okay then" I said grabbing my jacket.
"I'll go get changed" Katniss said jogging up there stairs.
2 minutes later she came jogging down the stairs, in her hunting gear with her bag, tying the end of her braid.
"Ready?" I asked
"Yeah, lets go"

Katniss lead me to a hole in the fence, before burrowing under it, I quickly did the same. Hunting was legalised, but no one did it, well except for Katniss since there was enough food now, the fence stayed up to keep the wild animals out, but it never had electric running through it now. Katniss grabbed her bow and a sheaf of arrows from a hollowed out log. We walked around a good bit, apparently I'd gotten used to my new leg by now and could move around quietly, or quiet enough. By the end of the day Katniss had shot 3 squirrels and a rabbit, with a pouch of berries as well that she'd found. I was completely lost. But Katniss seemed to know where we were. Well of course she did, she'd probably been here dozens of times. We hurried home as it was 6pm and starting to get dark.

"Your mother was on the phone today" I said
"What did she want?" Katniss asked.
"She was thinking of paying a visit, sounds exciting" I said sarcastically
"What did you just say?" She asked
"Nothing" I said trying to backtrack my steps, knowing this was a touchy area with Katniss. "I was just saying that she's not exactly my favourite person"
Shit wrong move

"She's the only family I have left!" Katniss screamed, starting to cry, and the worst thing about it is instead of apologising and trying to comfort her I yelled back
"In case you forgot my family are all dead too"
"No Peeta, I didn't forget that. Of course I know that, but I'm just saying she's my mother." She said trying to keep her cool
"Well she wasn't a very good one, from what you've told me" I retorted
"Well neither was yours for that matter, but at least my mother never hit me"
"Well mine didn't let me almost starve to death, did she?"
"She couldn't help it, and anyway we didn't starve" she said wiping her tears
"Yeah but only because I was there, if I hadn't threw you that damn bread you'd of died. And so would your precious mother and stupid little sist-"
Oh my god
What had I just said.
"Katniss, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that, I really didn't"
Her bottom lip was starting to quiver.
She looked me straight in the eyes, a tear falling down her check and said "Go fuck yourself asshole"
She walked past me quickly brushing against my shoulder.
"Katniss wait" I knew it was pointless even as I said it
"You know I didn't mean it, I was just being stupid, I'm sorry"

She walked across the landing and into one of the spare rooms. Slamming the door, and dragging, what I assumed was the drawers to barricade the door. I sat with my back to the door.

This was going to be a long night

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