Chapter 21

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I fell asleep on the hovercraft. I think Katniss did too. I didn't wake up until the hovercraft was just about to land. I groggily watched it's descent. Katniss was still asleep on my shoulder. I shook her gently. "Wake up" I murmured.

"Huh. Oh- what time is it?" Katniss answered groggily.

"It's just after mid-day, the hovercraft took all night" I told her.

"Okay" she yawned, sitting up on her seat.

I grabbed her hand and lead her of the hovercraft, to our little apartment in the Capitol.

It was a quaint little place that we rented nightly. I'd made sure to keep it as far away from the presidential mansion (which was now used to hold major events such as parties- which are still major in the Capitol) as possible, as Prim was killed right outside it.

"I've an idea, how about we spend two days in every place. Like 2 days in the Capitol, 2 days in district 1 and so on, but obviously skipping 12 and maybe doing 13" she suggested.

"That's a great idea!" I answered.

"Well now we're in the Capitol what are we going to do?" She asked.

"We could go shopping?" I suggested

"Sounds good" she chirped

We hit the shops, buying different things we'd never seen before, Katniss found a wig store and managed to drag me inside.

"We should buy like a purple wig and act like Capitol citizens" she suggested laughing

"Sounds awesome" I said picking up a (very) bright orange one.

We bought two wigs, one orange and one purple. We then bought loads of Capitol looking clothes. "This'll be fun" Katniss said giddy as we headed back to the apartment to change. By the time we'd finished we looked like Capitol citizens. We crashed a party, which I have to admit was extremely fun, well until some Capitol lady came up and started to talk to us. We turned round and to our horror it was Effie.

"Enjoying the party?" She asked

"Uhh, yeah" Katniss piped up in the best Capitol accent she could do, please don't let Effie recognise us. "We gotta go" she continued

"We need to leave before we get caught" Katniss whispered

So we snuck out and back to our apartment.

Katniss threw her wig off, stepping out of the long skirt and taking her jacket off, leaving her in just a vest and underwear

"Want anything to eat?" She asked

"Sure" I replied

She kissed me quickly. "I like your hair" she whispered

I pulled the wig off blushing. "I think I'll go get changed" I said jogging down the hall

"Okay" I heard Katniss yell

I got changed slowly and sluggishly, remembering that despite the fact I was enjoying myself, I still hated this place, bring back memories, of everything. The games. Being tortured. The hijacking. The rebellion. Everything.

But then I remembered who I was with. . .

A mutt. A mutation designed by the Capitol to hurt me even more. I was in an apartment. With a mutt. Designed to kill me. But she won't kill me. I know that. . .

Because I'll kill her first.

I walked slowly back to the kitchen.

When I walked in through the open kitchen door I spotted her immediately, she was cooking something over the stove.

"I'm nearly finished" she said

I didn't answer

"Peeta?" She asked

I didn't reply

"Peeta?" She asked again sounding worried.

"You. Killed. My. Family." I yelled.

I grabbed the first thing I could, which was a fruit basket. I threw it towards her and she barely dodged it. She just about managed to turn the stove of as she ran before I could pick anything else. I chased after her. I was t going to let her get away and kill someone else I loved. She ran down the longish narrow hall to the bedroom. I caught her arm and threw her against the wall.

She won't escape. I pin her to the wall.

"Peeta please" she whimpers.

I felt bad for her for a second before remembering how she killed my family.

"Peeta, please, it's me" she said grabbing my hand that was pinning her to the wall with both of hers. I must of been cutting of her air supply, she just about managed to speak "We got married yesterday Peeta, remember? Please Peeta. I love you."

I released my grip on her. She was telling the truth.

"Katniss. . . I'm so sorry" I choked out. Tears starting to fall down my face.

"Peeta, shh, shhhh. Don't cry" she says throwing her arms around me. "It's not your fault" she whispered burying her head into the crook of your neck.

She pulled away.

"I know something that can make it better" she said winking.


She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bedroom, as we literally feel onto the bed. We scrambled to get each other's clothes off. I brought my lips to hers as I thrust myself inside her, I heard her moan. I pulled away for breath, wiping a bit of hair away from Katniss' face. Her fingers laced through my hair like lightening. She moaned again, tilting her head back and wrapping her legs tightly around me. I kept myself propped up on my elbows and I crashed my lips back onto hers.

"I love you" I moaned after we both reached our climax

"I love you too. Forever and always" Katniss mumbled trying to get her breath back.

"Forever and Always" she repeated.






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